First time grower tell me what you think

for 4 weeks they look crazy small like there are actually about a week old from the pics, nice and green , looks like not enough soil though they might dry out before the roots can take hold
Agreed , they look 1 week old , and I bet that crappy looking soil is your problem , the good news is with a better soil mix they will grow properly.
Definitely seem a bit slim for 4 weeks. Some people prefer more lean plants, myself, I like em big and strong. Look into feeding them something soon, throw them a bone, something..
You will need better soil as most have said..Welcome to RIU as well..

this is some expection once you get better soil to replant them in..

these Orange crush seeds planted on 5-1-13

this pic taken 5-29-13


moved one out and moved this to center..

taken 6-10-13


silver jack seeds planted about 5-29-13

pic taken



both replanted this week..
Why did you plant them in mud?

Invest in some quality potting soil with perlite. You're looking for a soft, loamy soil with good drainage. Don't overwater them.

Also, when you transplant, try putting them in 1 gallon pots at least until they are ready for their hole/final pot. They grow fast.