First Time grower


Hello everybody, I'm coming too you guys in hopes that you can help me. I've never grown before so I'm completely lost,,, I just want one plant that wont get too big but enough so that I can have some personal too toke on. I'm open too any help or tips yall can give me, thank you :leaf:


Active Member
well whats your space,light,nutes,soil or if you have none whats your spending limit?
also got any seeds or will you be ordering some or just bag seed?


Well-Known Member
well you will need a few basic things even with one plant

IMO (and there are many way`s to Rome)

grow a Auto (Auto is a strain of weed that will go in to flowering early at week 3-4 and finish in 60-80 days)

buy seed (buy good genetic, its wort it)

start in soil (easy and most forgiven for a new grower) remember to get the "right" soil for weed (do some research) and a 2-3 gallon pot with good drain holes, tho start it out in a Cup (much more easy to control watering)

need to choose a light, for a fist time grower CLFs or a small HPS light (150-250W) would be a good choice for one small plant (IMO start it out in the Cup`s with a single 55W CLF in 6500K and add a 250W HPS at week 3 once in the big pot) with that combo you could maybe also squeeze two plants in on a later point

need some kind of ventilation both to keep temperature down and to provide the plant with fresh air/co2 a and once it begin to smell a carbon filter (sorry it is a must)

a small budget 4 inch vent from Walmart would be ok for one plant and a 250W

no matter what you do need to make a little research, google it, there is many "guides" out there, you tube also have a lot of grow videos if your the lazy type ;)

here is a link to a nice place to start:

a easy to use "guide" to look up a lot of stuff about grow aso.

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
i agree with slipon, a carbon filter is an absolute must. I live in an apartment block in the dodgy end of town and as a case study I have a carbon filter. The charming chav who lives downstairs, who i've luckily never met, did not.

he got raided by the police I didn't

get a decent carbon filter, it'll save you a fortune in legal fees


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. Even one plant gets stinky after a month. And moreso when it is flowering! I found a carbon filter/fan combo kept odors down to not noticeable outside my area. Like Slipon said buy an auto seed for quickest turnaround. Invest in cfl bulbs, and inexpensive veg and bloom nutes.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
you are in the right place. you need to READ READ READ. all the answers are here, I have spent all my free time reading the posts on this site and the best part is it is all FREE !!!! Good luck with your plant.
