first time grower


New Member
Hi guy. I'm a new grower my plant is 3 weeks old and its purple bud seed. I had a few problems with the PH water which stunted my growth. The 2 set of floppy leafs died and went yellow the to 3 set of leafs after that also went yellow. But now iv got my ph water to a T. So its starting to grow properly now with 18/6 light cycle.the second set on leafs have started to grow again after going yellow and shriveled up. My concern is will it start shooting up propperly now iv got everything sorted. I'm growning it in a cupboard with 1 103w cfl bulb which is 1250 lumens. do I need more lights for lumens or .. Just need a bit of advice thanks..



New Member
Your concern is that it will start growing?
Well yeah because iv seen other plants at 3 weeks old they look at lot bigger.. With being a first time grower iv done my research but with people saying do it this way and others saying do it that way I just don't really no who or what to believe in these different methods . its on its 4th set of true leafs but they are only about an inch in size. So I'm wondering will it start to grow properly now ?


Well-Known Member
Give or take a couple more sets providing it's got strong enough roots it should start to grow a little quicker depending on your light schedule etc etc etc


New Member
Give or take a couple more sets providing it's got strong enough roots it should start to grow a little quicker depending on your light schedule etc etc etc
My light cycle is 18/6 it doesnt seem to be getting bigger in length just more sets of true leafs does that matter or will it start getting bigger as time goes on ?


Well-Known Member
It takes time dude, paitents will reward you in the end. Leaves grow first then the stem and so on I fimmed mine on its 3rd set of true leaves.


New Member
Both really .. Iv got 2 new sets of leafs that are growing but only to the same size as thefirst 2 about an inch in size. II'm just overthinking I think. TThat I'll end up with loads of true sets of leafs but all the same size ( 1 inch )


Well-Known Member
The new growth looks ok just give it time oh and a little tip take out the tin foil it's awful and go to b&q or Walmart (where ever you live) and get a tin of white paint and paint your cupboard walls white...


New Member
It definitely looks awful doesn't it lol. Well unfortunately because this is rented apartment I'm unable to paint the cupboards any other tips ? What's wrong with the tin foil does it no help ? Thought it did .


Well-Known Member
From what I can gather it creates hot spots which the plant won't like I used radiator backing it's like a insulated reflective roll. Any way you could put up a reflective white sheet like you did with the foil it's just like a thick laminated paper that's pretty cheap at the hydro shop


New Member
Ok thank you I will have a look tomorrow before work. And I'll post another picture tomorrow tosee the difference from today's pic


Well-Known Member
You'll prob not see much difference in a day but give it a few days and you'll be able to notice bigger changes


New Member
No worries thank you. Do I need to had more light as I'm only using 1 cfl bulb 103w. And will I need a tent after vegging or just keep itin the ccupboard ?


Well-Known Member
That all depends on how big the cupboard is, how big your letting your plant get, do you plan using that 1 cfl the whole grow or just for vegging you'll need more lights for flowering that's for sure you'll prob be better in a tent if you have the space for one seen as though your renting


New Member
Yeah I have space for 1. And just wanted using cfl for now till after veg but I will be getting a lower watt cfl bulb tomorrow to increase the light. The cupboard is 6ft high and 2/3ft wide.. I plan on getting about 4/5 ounce out my plant..


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of the 600 if you can control the heat and a 400 if you think you'll struggle I'd advise getting some sort of air cooled hood if you choose the 600 it will help a lot