New Member
First off a little background, I've worked in the agriculture business for about 5 seasons now (tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, ya know the normal veggies; so I already have a nice green thumb) on a farm that produces crops on a larger scale. I have access to nearly any growing supplies; irrigation, every type of grow medium you can think of (organic, inorganic, vermiculite, perlite, cow manure, lobster compost, mulch etc.), every size pot, greenhouses etc. So I have access to many different things to help me along my journey. But back to my grow:
So I'm into the seedling stage of my first grow, germination went very well (I decided to germinate my seeds at 3 different times: 3 sprouted roots, 4 are currently being germinated, and 3 have yet to begin the process) and I moved the seeds into a 4" pot that is about 5" deep. I used Sunshine mix #1, I wasn't completely sure if this was the correct mix to used for a seedling, any suggestions for the other 7 unplanted seeds would be appreciated. Would it be better to keep the seedlings in a greenhouse until they get large enough to plant? How big should the be before I plant them in the ground? Is about a cup of water a day enough water or too much for the seedlings?
At my grow site, I have a very good water source, its away from roads, and I know no hunter will stumble upon my grow, only problem really will be deer but I will most likely use predator urine around the site to keep the deer away, unless people suggest something better. I was planning on a 2'x2'x2' hole for each plant with a 30% lobster compost (or manure), 30% organic potting soil, and 30% native soil, then maybe perlite for the last 10%? I'm not quite sure what else to put into the mix. Also, if my grow site has 1-2 pines close but not right next to it will this cause a problem? Only reason I ask is because I read that soil with pine needles isn't the best.
What type of soil mix should I use for the seedlings, and what should my soil mix be for when I plant them in the ground?
I know the grow was kinda last minute and I didn't prep the soil/start the seedlings at the right time, but I really want to try and make it work this season so that next season I will already have all the kinks worked out.
So I'm into the seedling stage of my first grow, germination went very well (I decided to germinate my seeds at 3 different times: 3 sprouted roots, 4 are currently being germinated, and 3 have yet to begin the process) and I moved the seeds into a 4" pot that is about 5" deep. I used Sunshine mix #1, I wasn't completely sure if this was the correct mix to used for a seedling, any suggestions for the other 7 unplanted seeds would be appreciated. Would it be better to keep the seedlings in a greenhouse until they get large enough to plant? How big should the be before I plant them in the ground? Is about a cup of water a day enough water or too much for the seedlings?
At my grow site, I have a very good water source, its away from roads, and I know no hunter will stumble upon my grow, only problem really will be deer but I will most likely use predator urine around the site to keep the deer away, unless people suggest something better. I was planning on a 2'x2'x2' hole for each plant with a 30% lobster compost (or manure), 30% organic potting soil, and 30% native soil, then maybe perlite for the last 10%? I'm not quite sure what else to put into the mix. Also, if my grow site has 1-2 pines close but not right next to it will this cause a problem? Only reason I ask is because I read that soil with pine needles isn't the best.
What type of soil mix should I use for the seedlings, and what should my soil mix be for when I plant them in the ground?
I know the grow was kinda last minute and I didn't prep the soil/start the seedlings at the right time, but I really want to try and make it work this season so that next season I will already have all the kinks worked out.