first time growing and using only fluorescents any advise


ok well i planted germinated seeds into soil a mix of 50/50 MG potting soil and monure i waited till week three to start nutes which is juss MG all purpose first i had them under a 3 foot grow light and several cfl's but i switched them to a 4 foot flourescent light which has 4 tubes all are 40watt coolwhites at 4100k and 3000 lumens each i usually water 2x weekly once with distilled water that sat in the sun for 48 hrs then once a week with same water and nutes i got a ph/ water tester to help keep track my ph is sitting at about 7 for most maybe one or two drop to around 6 i had them on 24/0 for the first three weeks and now im slowly transitioning them to 12/12 1 hour a day. the plants were slow growing at first then when i switched to the fluoros they are growin alot better but only in foliage not really any height growth except a few millimetter. i always have a habbit of over doing things and thus i have an exstensive journal i keep about the plants including a growth chart. can anyone offer any advise? I do not want to switch to HID lighting honestly im a single father and i work in a kitchen money is pretty tight these days thanks for the help, also all pictures were takin today 10/20/10
View attachment 1223219View attachment 1223218View attachment 1223220also dont no0 if u can see it or not but in the first pic the leaves are starting to yellow what could this be i think its not enough nutes personally but not sure dont want to over do it?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hello there
Ive been growing for about 5 years now

I always hear and seen personally nothing good comes from using MG soil

Some tips
Have 1 gallon of soil for each foot of plant height
Try a PH of 5.5
More light, Try to shoot for 75-100 watts per sq ft

You will soon learn with time how to start feeding them
All strains are different and will take and refuse different amounts.


Quick update for anyone interested switched to flowering 1 week ago plants are doin great havin a little issue with some white build up but transplanting into 3 gal smart pots tomorrow with Fox Farm soil so hopefully that will help but they are juss agrowin along quite nicely i think. Also open to any suggestions in relation to anything and everything thanksView attachment 1238588View attachment 1238589895_2051.jpg895_2052.jpg895_2050.jpg895_2047.jpg<----the white build up