first time growing does it look good?


Well-Known Member
im from argentina i just got some seeds from spain from my friend so i thought of growing it i have 2 40 watt cfl lights is it enought for just 1 plant


Well-Known Member
2 Its alright , but you wont grow alot of weed

If you realllllyy can only have 2 , make sure its close to the plant with alot of reflective material around it

i say get at least 2 more


im from argentina i just got some seeds from spain from my friend so i thought of growing it i have 2 40 watt cfl lights is it enought for just 1 plant
Im not a cfl expert but id recomend getting 2 more.


the plants is two weeks old so i dunno if its going good or not

they look fine now, there young plants they dont require much light.

But when the plant is biggger and older it will like more light. It would be able 2 grow, just it will looks verry skinny and not much bud


Well-Known Member
u will be fine witht the 2 CFL but ur plant is not going to get very bushy...but this isnt always true...dpending on how tall ur plant is allowed to get...but i'd look into getting some more cfls for sure i just changed my whole grow room set up this morning b.c i wasnt getting enough light..i was groing in a trunk but wasnt getting any good make sure u have a good air flow also


Well-Known Member
how do i do to make the stem get thicker its only two weeks since it came out and its about 6 inches should it be bigger? also who can tell what kind of strain is it


how do i do to make the stem get thicker its only two weeks since it came out and its about 6 inches should it be bigger? also who can tell what kind of strain is it

its imposible 2 know the strain, the stems will get thinker i woulnt worry about it.