My plants went into the ground October 11th and sprouted around October 14th I had my plants in small pots for 2 long and with a basic cheap soil I found through research that I was dealing with 2 issues. My roots outgrew the cup and halted growth, there was also a lot of bark and wood in the dirt which I’m told can affect growth. I moved plants into 5 gallon containers and growth seemed to improve. I also had a horrible lighting set up but now I have 1 LED for 2 plants and a small seedling and a normal home made lightbulb set up for the fourth plant. When I transplant the seedling into a 5 gallon I plan on changing the normal bulb to a CFL so I can compare LED to CFL. Long intro I’m sorry but want to give some history on my plants. Basically I’m wondering if they are screwed, I’ve messed up to much, or if I should just leave them be. I’m also wondering if I could put them into flowering now because I don’t care about my yield whatsoever this is purely a learning experience grow.