First time growing need help cheap and easy grow indoors?


Alright Im a college kid who wants to grow in his closet. I need the cheapest way to grow and I don't care if its the best way I just want it to grow? any advice thanks guys.


Active Member
Cfl man super cheap and keeps the plants from getting too big, make sure you make a diy carbon scrubber, need a fan to. ffof soil and the fox farm nute trio pack you should be fine with these things, and pots as well lol especially for a closet grow.
What are the dimensions of your closet?


Active Member
Get on of these super convienient lol, im pretty sure you can get them cheaper though if 60 bucks is a big deal you just gotta read thru this site man, read and read and read you will eventually learn a lot.
If your looking for a small grow with cfl's. I would recomend the scrog method or (screen of green) it will keep your space small sutch as a cabnit and you can keep the light right on top of the plant for a mutch better yeald. I am also a fan of fox farm products, they a are fairley user friendly. Just remember to flush every so often with FF because of salt bull up.
Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
buy a cheap 400 watt hps and grow some quality bud has one for $120 cfl's are junk you'll never get too good of bud with them and crap yields. you can do decent with the high wattage cfl's but their not too cheap your better off doing it the right way. I would also section off a veg room with black and white polly and use cfl's for veg. but better yet I'd get a 600w hps for 175.95


haha thanks guys Ill read up some more and ask better questions though. and i know i didnt mean to double thread my bad lol im new to the game really new to the game.


Active Member
It's cool dude lol what did i say about the vets though?! Lol everyone was a oobie at some point, so we sticking with the other thread then?

Dice Clay

Active Member
You can still get a couple zips per plant with cfls. but hps and mh's are the beezneetch

really? anything to back that up? maybe using 2000 watts of cfl, and hydro..but I barely pull 2ozs per plant in soil with a 1000watt HPS.... I love when people make arbitrary yield predictions.....

and now looking at your posts.. you admittedly know absolutely nothing... you didnt even know what type of light to use a couple of days ago and now you are giving hard and fast minimum yield numbers to another newbie?? I really wish people would just shut up sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should try to see if there's anyone in your area that has experiance also. Dont assume everything you read here is spot on!