First Time Growing - Please Check !!


New Member

I've been reading through the forums for a good few weeks, I have learned some new things and important things.

Well I got a seed from a friend for free and thought i'de try and plant it. It's a dark brown seed and I reckon it will sprout.

I have used the tissue paper technique in a plastic bag and have left it on my window sill.

I check on it every day and it is on it's second day today. The seed is starting to crack but I cannot be sure to say it will sprout.

I needed to know if I could grow a plant even though it's one seed alone. Would it work??

I will post pictures of the seed soon.

Please and Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure as to what your question is. If your asking if one seed will produce one marijuana plant, the answer is yes. You may want to look into growing more than one plant though, as it could be a male and would be a complete waste of time and resources.

Give it time, it will sprout. Check out the grow FAQ, it really helps.


Well-Known Member
Jondog is absolutely right. In my experience, 7 out of 10 usually turn male. you are very lucky if you get half and half. Your seed will grow. If the shell is cracking that means there is life inside. Remember that ganja is a plant. a weed. it will grow if you give it what it needs to flourish. Light, Water, space. and fresh air. good luck


New Member
Hope it's not a male, Well I asked the person who gave it to me and he said he got it from a bud he bought from the local dealer. So does this give more chance of it being female or is it 50/50 ?

Also if it is a male and it grows, can i make resin from it?

Thanks for replying


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hope it's not a male, Well I asked the person who gave it to me and he said he got it from a bud he bought from the local dealer. So does this give more chance of it being female or is it 50/50 ?

Also if it is a male and it grows, can i make resin from it?

Thanks for replying
50/50, but to answer your question, you can grow a plant from 1 seed. However, if you want it to produce flowers and buds you need to make sure it is female. :peace:


New Member
The seed sprouted today when I checked so I planted it in a small plantpot with quality soil, and then spraying the top layer of soil with water which was at room temperature.

How long will it take for the plant to appear above the soil with tiny leaves?

Thanks for replying


Well-Known Member
It'll start to produce the leaves pretty soon. I know it's all random chance but I've had at least 75% success getting girls. Since you've only got one plant, let it veg for a couple months before trying to bud. That will let you identify whether or not it's a female and you can take clones from it to grow lots more plants! Good luck brotha!


Active Member
It'll start to produce the leaves pretty soon. I know it's all random chance but I've had at least 75% success getting girls. Since you've only got one plant, let it veg for a couple months before trying to bud. That will let you identify whether or not it's a female and you can take clones from it to grow lots more plants! Good luck brotha!
Well if you want, another way to do it is.. At week 3 or so, when its has 6-7 nodes, take a 3 node clone, and put the clone in 12/12 lighting then you can find out what sex the plant is.. If female, let grow and take more clones *edit* off the original, never take clones of a plant in flowering because it can put it in shock and ultimately cause the plant to die *edit* if male discard and start from step 1 again :evil:


New Member
Thanks Jumanji i'll probably follow that. Once I see leaves i'll put it under the lights for 12 hours per day right? and then give it time to show if it's a male or not right?

And yeah Gwarrior he only gave me one and I thought yeah, might aswel. It's my first time after all, I thought I might aswel experience growing...

How long does it take to appear with leaves ?
and how often should I water it?


Well-Known Member
Its best to wait for the first 2 nodes before going 12/12, it usually takes like 1-2 days to see signs of life, but can take upto 4 daysor longer i think, and u should water througholy then wait 2 days and dip ur finger 1 inch into soil, and if its moist wait another day, if its dry then water again.

hope that helps


if im wrong sum1 please correct me


New Member
Well it's the second day today and theres no sign of life, I dipped my finger in and it's kinda dry but moist.. I'm not too sure whether to water it or not.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Has it sprouted out of the soil yet? Keep it moist, not too wet. I use a humidity dome, that helps too. :peace:

peter parker

Well-Known Member
when i germ my seeds i use a wet paper towel in a zip lock bag blow air into it and seal, then put it in a warm dark place and check every 12 hours. when the sprout coming out(root) is about 1/4" long you can plant it, ive even let some get longer like up to an inch before planting and none died. but you must put the sprout(root) down and the growth tip(seed) up cause the leaves come out of that and it will pop off, sometimes i help them out. but if you put that plant on 12/12 already all you will get is a tiny female(or male) with tiny not very potent buds. give it a month then take a clone and flower it if you get female you have a mother plant and you can take more clones, and you will know they are female.


Active Member
Also, another hint/tip whatever you want to call it.. It seems if I put my seedlings under light before they break the dirt it either 1. makes it take longer or 2. they dont pop up at all .. I usually let me stretch an inch or two before I throw the lights on it..



New Member
I dug up the seed and checked the sprout. It's still the same length!!! i'm really dissapointed... I've put it restarted the moist paper towel setup hopefully it will start to come back to life?

Did I do a positive thing?


Active Member
I would of waited a lil bit longer and prolly wouldnt of digged it up...growing takes time and patience I have learned and you have to have both...