First do the girls look??

Hey all,

This is my first time around at this. The girls are planted in 1" rockwool cubes presoaked in 5.5 ph for 24hrs prior to planting. The light is a T8, 2-32 watt 6500k florescent. They are 1 week and 2 days old.

The current height is approx. 3.5 inches tall, and they are being watered with tap water that has been sitting out (to allow chlorine to dissipate), then adjusted to about 6.0-6.5 ph, with 207 ppm. I today watered for the first time, simply dumping some water on top of the cube (is this the correct way and amount??) then misting leaves (helps avoid bugs, right?)

So, how do they look???? Any ideas on how much longer until I transfer to bigger pot and vegging??

P.S. The one that is drooping over just became like that today after misting, being weighted down by the water.



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

This is my first time around at this. The girls are planted in 1" rockwool cubes presoaked in 5.5 ph for 24hrs prior to planting. The light is a T8, 2-32 watt 6500k florescent. They are 1 week and 2 days old.

The current height is approx. 3.5 inches tall, and they are being watered with tap water that has been sitting out (to allow chlorine to dissipate), then adjusted to about 6.0-6.5 ph, with 207 ppm. I today watered for the first time, simply dumping some water on top of the cube (is this the correct way and amount??) then misting leaves (helps avoid bugs, right?)

So, how do they look???? Any ideas on how much longer until I transfer to bigger pot and vegging??

P.S. The one that is drooping over just became like that today after misting, being weighted down by the water.
1st. get more light. what are you using? how far away is it.
2. whenever you replant plant them deep cuz you're pretty stretched right now but if you act today you could probably save them


New Member
yea these are def. stretched! i would get the light down a lil dont want to over do em. they should be fine once you get the light lowered also get a fan to blow on them to make them stems strengthen up.


Active Member
yea i use a similar light and at that stage its ok to have the light a few inches away it helps. also i would put those cubes in pots your going to use for the rest of your grow soon that might help thicken the stem and help it grow healthier
ya, light might be it. I'm only using the flouros for the first two weeks or so, then switching to a 400MH on 18/6 in my vegging room. I moved them closer to the light, about 2-3 inches away.

So, should I switch them to bigger pots and the vegging room soon???


Active Member
yea that's about were i start mine off at. If i were you i would switch them to pots now and let them grow under that flouro until they get stronger and healthier 400mh is a strong light for those little plants and they don't need it yet by the looks of them but whenever you decide to switch you want to make sure the lights are about 1 meter away from the top of the plant and you'll be ight


Well-Known Member
Oh my god dude.
Those are streeeeetched.. You wanna bury those bitches up to the first node and get your light a LOT closer if you wanna have a chance at saving these things.

Do it now!


Active Member
yea partner, moving them closer is good. A good way to test if they are to close, is to put your hand at the top of the plant, if the light is hot on your hands then its definitely hot on the plants. good luck!