First Time I Got Blazed


Well-Known Member
Just felt the need to post something in this forum so why not the first time I got blazed. I'm still pretty new to smoking so it wasn't really that long ago...

So I talked to my friend and it turns out he was into smoking but hadn't in awhile so I ended up talking to another friend who could get 2gs for me, one for him and one for me. He came over with his bong which would've been a new experience for me since I only vape and occasionally smoke joints. Got it all setup... preheated the oven, put some food in, set the tv up, the xbox, it was all good... Then we took our hits... I started first since I knew a little bit more about bongs (he hadn't smoked in a LONG time). Took a hit and felt like I was going to cough up a lung and even throw up a bit (I had thrown up after smoking and DIDN'T want to start of the session like that cuz it's not fun) but I just sucked it up and just chilled out and let it pass. Passed the bong to him. Unfortunately he didn't really know how to hit a bong and tried blowing on it and actually got the weed wet so we had to repack the bowl. I didn't laugh at him like a douche, I just felt kinda bad for him so I just walked him through it as I gave him an example and explained my second hit (my second was also smaller so I didn't cough like shit again). He got the hang of it and coughed like a mofo after his first hit too. Then the tokes kept goin round.

Then before the major stonage feeling set in, I went ahead and took out the food and brought it out and decided cinnamon rolls would be DELICIOUS (munchies talking lol) so threw those in... Then we were pretty blazed (or at least I was... I can't really remember how high he was... lol) I just kinda sat on the couch staring outside concentrating on how AMAZING the pizza rolls were. He munched on the pizza rolls with me and we played guitar hero. I remember trying to play through the fire and flames and how amazingly bad I was doing and we were laughing our asses off because it was hilarious... Then he decided to play dead space (which I initially objected to because I thought it'd trip me out while high but finally said what the hell...). Then he started playing it and I ended up just staring outside... after what seemed like half an hour (actually like 6-7 minutes), I ran to get the cinnamon rolls out because I thought I burned them and they were actually just dough as my friend pointed out so I put em back in and then when they were finally done like 7 minutes later, I took em out and we ate them (actually I ate all 5 full-sized cinnamon rolls lol). So I just go and munch on them and watch him play dead space. My favorite memory is that I looked outside and it was like the 4pm sun and then I looked outside after what seems like 10 minutes and it was night out. So then I just watched him play 360 for awhile cuz I was too blazed to play anything with him and we ended up just sayin goodbye and he left...

Good times... good times...
I was in 6th grade at a Steve Miller concert at Pine Knob ( DTE for you young' school was right across from Pine Knob and the Principal gave out lawn seats, like a field trip, and a trip it was!...these people infront of us started passing the joint back to me and my buddy...we had never really smoked before...and it started raining, everyone was slipping and falling down the hill, we we're trippin, it was our 1st concert too....I'remember that night like it's tatooted in my brain, and they let us keep the we got stoned the next day too...remember,we were only in 6th

oh, by the way, for us being kids, Steve Miller was still fuckin awesome back then...probable 77' or 78'...he jammmed
i didnt get high until around the seventh time i smoked... i just remember me and my friends laughing infront of the mirror for a good 20 minutes lol. ahhh good timesss... end of middle school i think....