First time in soil


Active Member
Hi guys this is my second grow in soil and have been getting a few problems, first was with john innes and seemed a brease though id upgrade to a better soil.

My girls are in BB All Mix was recamended by hydro guy (been reading i made bad decision), i am preparing them to feed a sea of green (hempy's) am yet to even feed them as iv recently repotted and was told i wouldnt need to feed intill they have been in there current potts for 2-3 weeks. I have been getting some leaf problems starting at the bottom fans and progressing up the plant, browing tips curling up with leaf margins browing to, seems soft to touch no crisp. Kinda putting me off soil already and have been reading this is common with ALL MIX. I am using RO water as my tap water has mass amount of calcium the interfears with magnesium uptake.

Temps - 26 - 27*c
Night drop unsure as reset my hygrometer today to test tonights drop.

Medium - bio bizz All Mix

Nutes - none as of yet

Inlet - TT100 cheapo fan

Lights - 400w MH with 6" air cooled hood + 5" L1 Rvk extractor

Water when needed, 2 potted in air potts and 3 in 3,5 litre square pots all showing same deficiency.



Active Member
Hi welshsmoker currently i am in all mix biobizz, its been 2 days since i gave them a feed and also a quick foliar feed to get them what they needed. Problem is still continuing up the plant and getting worse well out my comfort zone with soil any other suggestions?

Edit: Fed 1ml/L of fishmix by biobizz and 1/4 strength foliar with fishmix, i have switched back to tap water as i though it looked like magnesium deficiency


Active Member
Thanks for your input guys how long does nutes in soil take to get to the fans ? Painfull just watching these girls slowly die... :(


Active Member
Hi guys, its been aweeks since i gave my girls a feed and problems are still continuing up the plant and its not looking good, though soil growing was supposed to be simple.

Day temps still 26*c with nights being 20*c, ph 6.5.


I wasnt expecting miracles but i was expecting the problem to halt and not get any worse, so guys do you know why my girls are dying?


Well-Known Member
I've never used your soil but I think it's like ffof and comes with
a good dose or two of nutes. Enough that they'll burn seedlings.
I use ffof but I'll keep the seedlings in sunshine mix 4 or light warrior
till they out grow a 1 gallon pot or so. You'll have to give'em a light feeding
of nutes after the first week like about 250 ppm then the second week
thier ready for the ffof and you transplant and just give'em water for
2 more weeks. So I think your plants are burnt not under fed.


Active Member
Hi MrGG thanks for your input, to start with i though the same thing, soil being to hot but as everyone was saying that it was due to underfeeding i dosed them with there first feed.

Do you think it could be i transplanted from small round cups, straight to 3 litre pots, my seeds are potted straight into this mix asoon as i seen there tap i still have 10 seedlings in the cups that are thriving...


Well-Known Member
Your using the same dirt in the cup and it thriving in the cups but once you put'em in
3 liter pots of the same dirt as the cups then they burn it look like this is very odd. I always
spout extra seeds too try to keep extras all as I can. Some time I wonder about the local
grow shop dude too. Their there to make money so he is very willing to let me learn from
my mistakes:lol:


Active Member
Lol your telling me, sure they will sell you anything! well the seedlings in cups potted in all mix are being potted on so i have just got some plagron light mix as iv had so much trouble with all mix, we will see if problems are the same or if ALL MIX is fucking my girls up.


I think the problem is rootbound . Replace it in new bigger pot for now and flush it before that. I had the same problem like u and overfert will not helps u .


Well-Known Member
Lol your telling me, sure they will sell you anything! well the seedlings in cups potted in all mix are being potted on so i have just got some plagron light mix as iv had so much trouble with all mix, we will see if problems are the same or if ALL MIX is fucking my girls up.
What exactly is the All-Mix you used upon transplanting?.


Man ... i dunno know what the laugh is have to be with this airpot .... but Im almost 99.999 % sure that u have to replace it in ne bigger pot , or if u cant do it , just change the soil with new one!!! do not fertilize it !!! just change the soil ... After 1-2 wekks later Fert it !!! I am a beginner but really take my advise ... 'cause ... every1 is saying .... add this ... add that .... some kind of fert .... do not do that if u r not SURE what the problem/problems is ..... Changing of Soil will show u what exactly the problem is !!! Do Not OVERfert ... man ... peace ...


cal mag nutes .... thats the answer for all types of kind of these looking plants ... im pretty sure the problem isnt that ...


Active Member
i think nepko is right it could be getting rootbound thats what mine did starting at the bottome its like they kill themselves off to keep the dominant branches so transplant it into a bigger pot and hopefully it will come back dont feed it just new soil new bigger pot and see what heppens mine was stunted but when it got a pot to stretch her legs in she took off. most plants dont get any wider than the pots they are in so the bigger the pot the bigger the root system the healthier the plant. Try a soil with less nuts like roots organic, happy frog, Fox Farms are always good.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
OP, It's possible your soil isn't airated enough? THe plant could have fungus growing on it's roots with all the waterings and adding nutes etc.

Throw away the soil you're using, and go out buy some of these: Common potting mix, Perlite, Vermiculite, Peat-bricks.

MM the mix I use, which never fails for any common, annual plant is about this:

5 Parts - Common Potting Mix
3-4 Parts - Perlite
2 Parts - Wetted Peat Bricks
1 Part - Vermiculite

Mix it all up, then take a fist-full of the mix, and squeeze it in your hand.

When you release the soil in your fist, it should be squeezed into a ball. Poke this ball with your finger - and see how it responds. If it WON'T stick when you sqeeze it, you need more humus/peat/potting-mix, if it stays compacted when you push your finger in it, then it's too heavy. Adjust the soil, without adding anymore water, until the ball you squeaze breaks apart easily when you do the finger-test.

Long as it breaks apart freely, crumbles the structurs of the soil is A-Okay.

I wouldn't ever use any soil/mix without knowing what was in it: I like to KNOW how much nutrients I'm feeding my plants, and if there're added ferts to the mix you're currently using, then ditch it altogether. The plants only need airy, most, organic soil mix to thrive. Anything extra is simply overkill: There's no such thing as a propietry soil-mix that can't be reproduced by you, and least if you do it yourself, you KNOW what your putting in your soil.

Most important thing though: Is Aeration for the roots. If your mix is too tight, airpockets will grow stale, and inpenetrable, and fungus will grow.

You also want most the water you pour in the top to flow right out the base of the pot. Shows good drainage.

I'm so hot, and I have a headache, so excuse the less-than-razor sharp post. 40oC again today.