first time indoor stealth grow please help


Hello folks... This is my first time attempting this indoors, (so I'm pretty much a newb at this) so I was wondering if you guys could provide some tips and feedback on the following situation: I have some adequate space in my pc box so I'm deciding to attempt this stealth grow, because this summer's growing season has been an absolute failure for me and I'm really desperate for a harvest. The space which I want to use, has a base of 15 cm x 15 cm (6 in x 6 in) with a height of approximately 28 cm (11 in). It has an adequate ventilation system so overheating will not be an issue. I want to grow Auto Betty Boo (feminized) in that space because it takes about 60 days from seed to harvest and grows anywhere from 20-30 cm.I'm planning to grow it in about a 1.5 L pot. Right now I have the seedling in a cup under 3 blue CFL bulbs (@ 6400K) pumping out a total of 75 watts. My only questions are:

1) Is 75 watts sufficient to grow one Auto Betty Boo from seedling to harvest in the dimensions that I have provided ? ( If no, then what is the minimum wattage ?)
2) Do I switch to red CFL bulbs (@ 2700 K) as soon as the auto begins to flower (shows the pistils) ?
3) What is the minimum hours of light that the plant will require in order to grow (show progress) ?
4) How do I keep the height of plant under 25 cms ?
5) How often would I have to water it and nute it ?
6) How far away should the bulbs be away from the plant in order to have the maximum effect ?
7) Once the plant starts flowering, will it stop growing vertically ?


I will be extremely grateful if anybody can provide me some tips or feedback ) Thanks.
hey andres, 1st thing if poss change ur lights so they are side on, yes I think that will be enough lamps, yes switch to red cfl`s when flowering starts, 18/6hrs is normal, height is an issue in a pc box so start training early, lst, just water for the next 3 weeks then start with 1/4 strength nutes and build up slowly, plant should be 2" away to avoid stretching and also to get enough light on her, she will not stop growing vertically when flowering but will slow down. I haven't grown auto`s so some of the answers may be off. good luck and happy growing :-)
hey andres, 1st thing if poss change ur lights so they are side on, yes I think that will be enough lamps, yes switch to red cfl`s when flowering starts, 18/6hrs is normal, height is an issue in a pc box so start training early, lst, just water for the next 3 weeks then start with 1/4 strength nutes and build up slowly, plant should be 2" away to avoid stretching and also to get enough light on her, she will not stop growing vertically when flowering but will slow down. I haven't grown auto`s so some of the answers may be off. good luck and happy growing :-)

thanks for your feedback, but what if I will only be able to provide it 8-10 hours of light per day, would that be a problem ?
Emann gave good answers. I do think with autos you're suppose to go 12/12 all the way...but I may be wrong
on autos it depends on the strain as to opimal light times. Most autos will run 18/6 the whole time just fine. You will need at least 12/12 light cycle, 8-10 hours will not be enough.
hey dude, if you can only do 8-10 hours of light, I would say wait untill you can do atleast 12/12 (preferably 18/6) before you grow. I dont know if running a 10/14 light scedule would kill the plant but if it does then its wasted genetics. And if your worried about the power bill, with using only LED and CFLs you wont notice much of a jump.