First time indoors


Hey what's up? I'm new here. I have grown before outdoors, but this will be first complete room I will build. I have vegged indoors and moved outside before with success.

My space is 8'x8' for flowering with a 4'x4' space for vegging.

I will run this in flowering room:

4- 600 watt hps digital ballast lamps with glass and vents

2- carbon filters with 2 420 cfm fans connected with insulated vents. running 24/7

1- thermometer

-reflective sheeting to create walls

I will run this is veg room:

2-400 watt mh digital ballasts with venting

1- carbon filter with 420 cfm fan running 24/7

I have nutes and all supplies needed to do this grow. I will also have one fan pulling fresh air into room 24/7. 1 oscillating fan in each room. Ballasts and work space outside grow area.

I plan to germ 250 seeds (bagseeds of varying quality) I am conservatively estimating 125 will pop and half will be female so about 63 will make it.

This grow will be two cycle. I am going to sprout under 2 400s then move into flowering room which is 4 600s to veg. for about 3-4 weeks at 18/6. Next take clones from each and label them to keep track and put in veg room under 2 400s. Then switch flowering room to 12/12 for 2 to 2 1/2 months. During this time i will be keeping clones in veg room and triming. When I am close to harvest I will start to flower my bushy clones. End of grow.

1 plant in 3 gallon container every square foot.

I am estimating to pull about 5 pounds first round and at least 3-4 pounds second round. Which is an average of 1.5 zips a plant.

Time frame is 5 months.

Any suggestions? Is this feasible?

Security issues?