First Time Setup - Your Help Appreciated

Hi guys.

Newbie here who looking to grow only one single plant. Yep thats right, its more of an experiment or little hobby for me before i take on bigger ideas.

Im thinking 150watt CFL in a plastic storage box lined with the dull side of tinfoil, fan in there too if it gets too hot.

If i were to use LED as lighting, what would i be looking for?

I live on my own so i dont have to hide it away.


Well-Known Member
u live on ur own , fuck , fill ur house . no seriously , use myler , the space ur gonna use for 1 plant will be small ? then for the sake of a few pound or dollars where ever u from , tin foil will be bout 20% reflective where as myler is 80% reflective , even painting ur walls matt white is better than tin foil , 35 views and not 1 person replied to this fella`s post , come on ppl , We all started somewhere ,


Well-Known Member
led lights , u would want no less than 300w led , but if I were you I would go straight for HPS , might be bit more money to run but the end product is worth it compered to LED lights , wouldn't use cfl`s , each to there own though ,