First time stealth grower long time smoker......input please!


Hello! this is my first attempt and growing a mini crop for myself. I must say this is a VERY fun hobby lol. ive been doing alot of research and im looking just to have stubby crops for my 1st grow, ill be doing some topping, hopefully ill get a female!
as of right now I have 4 23w CFL lights, DWC system, 80mm pc 3 speed fan, and a little experiment with one plant in soil (scotts potting soil) and two in the DWC system, with Vigoro 10-10-10 nutes, they are about 2 1/2 weeks old.
for some reason the one in front is wilting a bit, i checked PH its always between 6.2 and 7.6, and 1/4 strength of nute is being added. 16/8 schedule. (debating if i should put her back into soil)
they are all bagseeds from some widow, pot O gold, and some other strains from close connoisseurs.



Well-Known Member
bump............ any insight on what i should do? im trying to save it ASAP
Ok I started just like you except for the DWC.

I started with a small cabinet, cfl and soil.

I made every Noob mistake there was.

Now what I learned was this.

First time growing don't start with a small cabinet. Temps were out of control no matter what.

Although CFLs do work, they grew slow and it was a constant pain in the ass moving the lights.

Soil I did not mix properly, and was giving her nutes at early stage in plants life.

Finally I invested in a much larger grow cabinet. Both HID (metal Halide, HPS 400watt)

Bought a cool tube also.

Now the first grow was ok. Buds were very fluffy from heat, and alot of the leaves suffered from nute burn. Yes it was smokable but I could have done better.

Anyway with a larger cabinet and HID lights, Cooltube, and of course going organic, Invested in AC, my second grow now is so much better.