First time

Haha yeah I know I shouldn't be playing around with them at night but i cant help my self.....Maybe I should be more specific on my grow and how I started it. I started my seeds inside in jiffy pellets in January and once sprouted I transferred to red solo cups filled with Eco Scraps potting soil I picked up at Lowes. I transferred them to my Veg tent, 4'x2'x6' under a HLG 90 and a 2' T5 light fixture. I started with just the T5 in the beginning and about a month into it added the HLG and the plants showed a huge difference. After the seedling phase i started to feed them with the Fox Farms dirty dozen pack, following the feeding schedule. I didnt like how my plants were looking so I stopped using it, while using I was only giving half feedings but it was still burning my plants. Anyone else use this stuff and like it? Fast forward to late April early March after topping, I transferred my plants into there final pots (7gal square pots I picked up at Lowes) still using the Eco Scraps potting mix.I have a small green house for my vegetable garden so i put the plants in there until there was no worry of frost. After being in there final pots for about 2 weeks I started to feed them. Since I didn't feel confident using the liquid nutes I started feeding my plants the Eco Scraps tomato and vegetable plant food (5-4-6). I followed the feeding schedule on the bag and the plants did very well. Now mid May early June I put them out in the garden among all my vegetables and just kind of let them do there thing. As they would get tall I would just tie them down. I didnt take many pictures during the process (I really should have) but i will post what I have in my next post. Fast forward to now, im about 2 1/2 3 weeks into flower and i have noticed a bit of a deficiency. I asked a friend who has a little more experience then I do and he suggest using Cal-Mag. I bought the cali magic one (1-0-0), so far i have given them 1 feeding of this. Is this ok to use during flower? Is one feeding of this going to be enough? The leaves arent full blown yellow but kind of just starting. Since i have only been using the granular plant food will this liquid nutrient shock them?
If they aren't flowering i recommend transplanting for a bigger root zone. I think your PH looks a little off. You need a mix with less wood pulp i think.

Don't freak! It's not the worst thing, it doesn't seem to have much effect on cannabis. You're going to be fine! In fact to me everything looks pretty good! & ilgm have info on it available, you could probably search here as well and of course Google it too
-best of luck!
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If they aren't flowering i recommend transplanting for a bigger root zone. I think your PH looks a little off. You need a mix with less wood pulp i think.

Im about 3 weeks in to flower...a 7 gallon pot isnt sufficent? I know I see guys growing in 300 gal fabric pots but unfortunatley i can not.....its my real fisrt run at it if i get a ounce a plant ill be pretty happy...from the looks of it i think i might reach my goal, any ideas on how much these plants will produce?
Im about 3 weeks in to flower...a 7 gallon pot isnt sufficent? I know I see guys growing in 300 gal fabric pots but unfortunatley i can not.....its my real fisrt run at it if i get a ounce a plant ill be pretty happy...from the looks of it i think i might reach my goal, any ideas on how much these plants will produce?

No idea what they would produce but, problems are more easily mitigated with larger root zones.
Im about 3 weeks in to flower...a 7 gallon pot isnt sufficent? I know I see guys growing in 300 gal fabric pots but unfortunatley i can not.....its my real fisrt run at it if i get a ounce a plant ill be pretty happy...from the looks of it i think i might reach my goal, any ideas on how much these plants will produce?

Somewhere between 'bout tree fitty' and over 9000 grams.