First Timer: Indoor BCBD Hash Plant

So it is my first time growing and I am starting off with Hash Plant from BC Bud Depot. Here is a primer for what's happened so far and from here on out I'll post with regular updates.

Weeks 0, 1 and 2: I started with 15 seeds which were "cracked" in moistened paper towel and then planted in an off-the-shelf potting soil. Sprouted in a trough planter with plastic wrap over the top over 3 days while I was away for the weekend. Came back to some leggy sprouts (read 3-4" with just cotyledons!) reaching for the skies. I moved them to my attic while I sorted out a proper growroom and equipment (lost one seedling during this time, down to 14). In the first 2 weeks they were under 24hrs of 6400K light from 4 T8 fluorescents in a kind of shoplight tube structure with a fan on them (light at about 6"). The direct fan was to induce stronger stems since they were so leggy and keep fresh air supplied. Watered from a can every couple of days and cultivated soil surface.

During this time we had some serious heat issues and the plants were exposed to 85F-plus temps for many days, plus the direct fan. Leaves started getting blotchy and yellow with some interveinal leaf tissue puckering, plants looked kind of rough.

Weeks 3 and 4: I moved them into the bedroom with the light backed off to 3 feet, in air conditioning (73F) and repotted in 6" pots with 80/20 potting soil/top soil mixture. I figured the symptoms were a combination of wind burn and temperature. During repotting, noticed plants had nice clean white roots. During these two weeks, plants grew little but color returned and leaves stopped yellowing. Watered by soaking threw once per week.

Week 5: Moved plants to finished grow room. I was going to be gone for a week and didn't want the risk of someone tending to them so I took a risk and automated my entire grow room. Air conditioning was on a timer for 18hrs, the 6hrs it was off a window fan came on that exchanged the air in the room. A humidifier ran for the first few days as well. 4 T8 6400K fluorescents were on the same schedule as the air conditioner, roughly 6 inches from the plants. 2 fans were on air circulation duty 24hrs a day. I even CO2 doped the room with some dry ice (I'm a researcher by profession, have tons of the stuff at my disposal). Oh and I also put stones on the soil to minimize water loss/drying out.

Week 6: When I got back from my week away, my plants looked amazing! I walked in to roughly 3-4 inches of new growth on most plants, lots of new and healthy-looking green leaves. When I got back I had to do some monkeying around with the air conditioner and so the plants saw a day and half of unusually high temps (maybe hit 90F for 8-10 hours) and rehumidification.

Week 6.5, 8/25: When I first got home most of the plants if not all of them had very rigid petiole and leaf positioning, almost perfectly perpendicular to the stem/truck. After the little bit of heat they saw, some leaves drooped. I decided to water them and rinse out the soil with 3 total volume exchanges. A couple hours later the leaves had started drooping even more. The soil was not dry when I watered, still had lots of moisture.

Wondered if it was Nitrogen deficiency but have temporarily decided to wait for stronger signs before fertilizing them. Plants also have purple dots or marks on the petiole which is apparently a sign of nitrogen deficiency but also a natural coloring of some hash plants.

After noticing some of the plants had interveinal leaf tissue puckering, I remembered reading that high humidity coupled with wet soil can cause the plant to want to slow respiration by closing the stomata and puckering the leaves. In response I turned off the humidifier and turned on the dehumidifier.

Week 6.5, 8/26: This morning leaves weren't drooping too much and seem to be picking back up. Perhaps the humidity was the issue after all....
Here are some pictures from this morning. They are pretty self-explanatory: first one is the entire grow, second one is my best plant, third is the yellowing and droopyness I'm seeing, and fourth is the advanced yellowing with brown patchyness.

I'm thinking the yellowing, droopyness and brown patches are either overwatering or lack of nutrients.

I gave a couple of ounces of fertilizer (a kind of generic 20-20-20 that I had on hand) this morning and last night I installed the 65W CFL you see inbetween the 4 x 32W T8s.


So I've made some serious changes since last week. I found a new hydroponics store and purchased an ebb and flow bench, hydroton, perlite and 3 gallon grow bags. I also scavenged an iron rack on wheels that is more fitting than my ridiculous Ikea shelving poles.

I repotted 9 of my plants as follows: I filled a grow bag up to just above the last set of drainage holes with hydroton. I then pulled the plant and root ball (which was nearly the entire mass of potted soil, only confirming my belief that this soil mix had no drainage) out of the pot and placed it on top of the hydroton after sloughing off any loose soil. I then filled in around the root ball and up to within an inch or two of the first leaves with 1/4"-1/2" perlite.

The remaining 5 plants have stunted growth, one that's really leggy. I'm thinking about subdividing them and "cloning" into a new mix and starting them over.

I've kicked my 20-20-20 fertilizing up in concentration and added tween at 0.001% (reduced due to excessive foaming) as a wetting agent. I'm watering them twice a day, about 1L per plant per watering.

The larger ones that were showing yellowing are regaining color and starting veg growth once again. Also, the drooping is gone, plants are standing tall and leaves are outright.

Enjoy the pics!


So it's been a week and I made another large alteration to the setup yesterday. I built a 10-bulb fixture for T8 48" 32w bulbs. I used two 3-bulb ballasts (Osram Sylvania commercial grade, the black ones in the image) and two 2-bulb ballasts (harvested from the shop lights seen in previous posts, the silver ones). I had a 65w CFL in there before but with it only inches from the plants I couldn't keep the soil-surface temps below 80F even though the room is air conditioned to 70F, so I put it aside. The bulbs I'm using are 6 at 6100K and 4 at 4100K as my plants are beginning to enter the flowering stage.

With my water and fertilization regimen under control my plants have completely regained color and growth rate (about 2cm/day). I also took receipt of Advanced Nutrients Flora-Grow three part system fertilizers (Grow-Micro-Bloom) and gave my babies their first taste of that this morning. I dosed at 1:1:1 (G:M:B) at a rate of 1.8ml/L of pH adjusted water.

Some of my plants have started pre-flowering and initiated asymetrical branching. One plant turned male and grew like 10cm in a day and a half! Had huge internodal growth and large preflowers at the upper nodes. Moved him into a different room for natural sunlight (which happens to be almost exactly a 12/12 photoperiod at my latitude right now). A few others have female preflowers, one seems to be a hermaphrodite and the remaining few haven't started pre-flowering yet.

Enjoy the pics, my lovely indicas are starting to look real happy and I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of it!

Comments welcome!



Well-Known Member
hey bro, ur thread caught my attention.. im running a strain from BCBD so guesss thats wut locked me on to ur thread.. interested to see how the hash beans turn out for ya... any plan for some HID lighting ???
I'm not really sure. Originally I started with the FL because they were cheap, easy to wire and modular. But I do realize that the lumen/wattage of my T8s are like 60% of a 600w HPS setup. While scoping out new and used HID setups I read an interested article in Skunk about LED lights and then found a place that sells UFOs for $200. So the first spare $200 I get will most likely go to that. If that goes well, I'll stick with that, if not, I'll finish screwing around with the couple of broken HPS lamps I've got and get them working.

I realized yesterday after segragating my males and fixing some of the lighting setup that I ultimately am going to need three setups; one each for seedlings/clones, vegetative and flowering. So I think ultiamtely it'll be FLs for the seedlings/clones and veg. and the LED or HPS for the flowering.

Thanks for checking out the journal man, what variety did you get from BCBD?