First Timer, lots of problems :(

Heres my baby, shes not doing too well. At first I though it was root rot so i watered with some hydrogen peroxide water yesterday but today she just got worse. So now I'm thinking its a nute deficiency (magnesium or calcium?) or it might be pH lockout but idk what my soil pH is, I'm using mg organic. Any suggestions, I dont want my baby to die! :cry:


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That plant has many issues, nute burn seems to be the foremost. What kind of lights do you have, and how far away is the light? She looks like she aint getting enough light. Second, it's still too early (IMHO) to be feeding her anything. Your soil contains nutes, and if you are feeding anything at all, thats compounding whats already in the soil. Are there any drainage holes in that home made pot she's in? She needs drainage so her roots will dry out between waterings.
thanks for the quick reply. shes got two 24w CFL's that are like 3" away. Also im not feeding anything as far as nutes, shes only 3wks, but i thought there was a root problem so i fed hydrogen peroxide with my watering to try and help with oxygen uptake, but that didnt work. Yes theres some holes and slits all over the bottom but my soil doesn't get very dry towards the bottom and middle. So you think its getting too much nutes, how can i lessen that?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If your lights are that close, then she looks to be nitrogen starved. She is really light green. That's either a light prob, or an N def. It could also be a host of other things, but those are the most likely. STOP putting H2O2 in there!! I certainly hope you diluted the peroxide.

Since this is obviously your first grow, I'll give you the "newbie" speech. MJ is a plant. Nothing more. In fact, it's a WEED and will grow in just about the most hostile environments nature can throw at her. The biggest mistake every newbie I see makes is to love the plant to death. It does just fine in nature without our help or intervention, and if you give her a medium to grow in, light, and a bit of food, she'll do fine if you let her do her thing without too much interference. The hardest thing you'll ever have to do (besides keeping your mouth shut and not showing her off to your friends) is NOT TO STRESS over every little thing you see. It's a living thing, and will show a "hangnail" here and there. Every wrinkle in a leaf is not a catastrophe that requires your immediate attention.
These forums are a mixed blessing, and can be likened to diving for pearls in a cesspool. We have many experienced people here who will answer your questions, but we also have many idiots with nothing more to do with their time than sit on a comp and try to prove how great they are, and will pass on a whole lot of bad information, telling you only what they have heard (usually wrong) rather than anything based on their own experience. It's up to you to sift the pearls out of the shit.
If you DO have a problem, and bring it to the boards, take whats given to you with a grain of salt, asking your self what makes sense based on science, not folklore. Start reading about biology, and botany, because thats what this is, pure and simple. Everything having to do with growing anything is based in science. Don't try and implement each and every "cure" you see recommended all at once, either. Try them one at a time.
This is gonna be a learning experience, and should be fun, but I know it's very stressful at first, believe me. I decimated my first couple of grows, and have had quite the time getting to where I am today. When I looked at this as a learning experience, and that the joy was in the journey of that learning, I had a much better time of it! Keep at it, and you'll be fine. Just keep things simple at first, hen start getting more advanced. Don't worry about getting 20 pounds of killer weed from a plant, and just concentrate on getting one thru to the end at first.

pH in soil, while it must be taken into consideration, is NOT crucial as it is in Hydro. The soil will buffer anything that get's put into it. It's the pH of the SOIL thats crucial, and with MOST commercial soils, it's well within the guides.


Well-Known Member
You were right the first time ,its a root problem causing the plant not to take up nutes. H2O2 in soil will only make things worse,basically you have killed the soil. All is not lost there is some green in there, i think. Get some fresh soil and carefully transplant it into about the same size pot(the root system will be small and under developed) in nice soil, after a week give half str veg nutes then the next week full str, dont overwater as this caused the root probs to start with.
+rep jack, thanks man. Ive been reading up on this stuff for awhile and im no forum newb haha so I dont take everything as fact and i always find as much info as possible. I only put a small capful into about a half gallon of cooled but previously boiled water and watered so it was diluted yes. Since I can see through the bottle to the roots, they go all the way down to the bottom (2L bottle) so I dont think the roots are underdeveloped. Also the plants been on a down turn for about a week so I was trying to be patient and see if things changed but they didnt. So I'm gonna replant into more mg organic but ill get some drainage material mixed in first, then what? I'm not gonna water for about 5-6 days, should i feed it anything or just let it be?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If you transplant it then by all means water it. But don't water again until the roots have had a chance to dry out a bit. Then take it slowly. There should be enough nutrients in the MG soil to get that plant thru without adding more for at least the veg cycle. You may just have some shitty genetics. Is it bagseed? Not that there is anything inherently wrong with Bag seed, it's just an unknown. Sometimes even the best genetics have some bad seed.
just so others can learn from my mistake, it turned out to be a nute deficiency, BUDS was right, the hydrogen peroxide had killed most of nutes and at the time I didnt have any. Waited for some dyna-grow to come in the mail, watered with it on monday and my plant is recovering! theres a few dead leaves but growth has shot up astronomically out of the top, green and healthy! ill post a pic in a day or two to show the recovery