
Active Member
My Plant is about 3 weeks old..!Its Northern lights X skunk.. im using a basic aeroponics system. nothing special. i need some advice on nurtients and pruning..! when do i nutrient n when do i prune>? also the lighting? Can someone please help mee! !!! Thank you



Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about aero nutes but if you want good veg growth youll want 2 use a mh bulb and a hps bulb for flower, you can find a switchable ballast (fires both)for under 200 with cheap bulbs, if you just growing 1 a 250 is fine if you plan on growing a few go with a 400, sorry i cant help with the nutes, its 2 hard 2 explain how 2 prune on a computer, good luck


Well-Known Member
Just follow the instructions on a basic nutrient set (when you buy nutes you usually get a bottle for grow, a bottle for flower, and a bottle for "vigor"). Just make sure to start out at 1/4 of the recommended strength. Also maintain PH and TDS levels within range....


Active Member
Thanks Boys i like the advice.. now, How often should i add nutes? Im really afraid of over doing it but i also dont wanna under do it..! so if anyone can give me somesort of schedule, i would appreciate it. Ad can someone tell me what type of condition shes in..