First timer, question about my planter


Hey guys, wow, first timer here, first time growing, first time posting. Here goes:

I have a planter that is 12x6x6 (LxWxH) That has my two 15-day old pretties.

You guys think this planter will cut it for them? (see pic)

I should probably move #2 more over to the edge right?

Actually, wanted to ask something else...Yesterday I lost 2 of my 4 plants. For about a 2 days they started shriveling up, and after doing what I could and realizing they could no longer be saved, i decided to end their suffering.

When i pulled em up, i noticed (on both) that just below the soil top, the roots were squeezed....And i know i certainly didnt do it...I've attached another picture to show what i mean.

Has this happened to anyone?

Thanks in advance!



Active Member
You should never plant more than 1 in the same pot because they will compete for space and get theyre roots all tangled.As a rule of thumb for every foot of plant you need a gallon sized pot .So if your plant is 2 feet tall you need at least a 2 gallon pot.The planter they are in now is about 1.9 gallons which would be good for a 2 foot plant but if I were you I would seperate them immediately before the roots are too badly tangled.


You should never plant more than 1 in the same pot because they will compete for space and get theyre roots all tangled.As a rule of thumb for every foot of plant you need a gallon sized pot .So if your plant is 2 feet tall you need at least a 2 gallon pot.The planter they are in now is about 1.9 gallons which would be good for a 2 foot plant but if I were you I would seperate them immediately before the roots are too badly tangled.

Holy crap fast response!

Cool, thank you so much =D

Hmm.....I have another planter identical to this one, imma go transplant it now. Err, before i do, should I move #1 (the one with the bigger leaves) to the center of this planter? Or do you think the roots will work their way to the west? Lol


Omg, its happening to my healthy plants now! What's with my stems? Has this happened to anyone? Is there any way to save them? It's like someone's bending them when im not looking! but noone's home!

Can i bury the stem above the round leaves? That's the only way i can keep these guys standing straight


Well-Known Member
they're stretching reaching for light. bring your light a lot closer and seperate the plants.


i put them under the direct sunlight all day and when it gets dark i have them under a 150W CFL. Should i stop putting them under the sunlight during the day?


Active Member
At a guess I'm wondering about your watering cycle. I've seen similar on tomato plants when they were underwatered for awhile... nute burn? how do the leaves look?


At a guess I'm wondering about your watering cycle. I've seen similar on tomato plants when they were underwatered for awhile... nute burn? how do the leaves look?

leaves look great, no drooping, no odd colors, burns, nothing. Could be an underwatered thing....but the soil near the bottom is still moist. I keep logs of everything.

She seems to be doing fine now, one of the new leaves that just started developing while it was happening has grown quite significantly.

My other one i just transplanted yesterday is looking a little lazy....she drooped for the rest of the day, but she seems to be resting in the sunlight....its still morning, she'll wake up soon im sure

I'll post back in a few minutes with pics.


Active Member
might just be me but that soil looks pretty dry. you have a shallow pot so if the top dries theres not alot of moist lower area like there would be in a standard nursery pot. maybe its just the color... or your light is drying the surface layer quickly and on such a small plant theres not much root system below the surface area. I've put a paper towel over my soil after watering before, playing with water retention, the towel dries but helps keep the soil moist... Do not cover plant with towel...