First Timer- Rubbermaid Setup


New Member
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Hello everyone! I'm Dani! I've been lurking around your site for a while, and finally got the guts to post.

I'm starting with the simple stacked Rubbermaid grow box. I have a simple setup because not only is it my first grow, but I will only be growing no more than 2 plants to start. If I decide to grow more, and become more experienced then I'll shell out for the "pro" stuff. This is simply to get a feel for growing

I have
-4 65 watt CFL bulbs connected to some y splitters on a power strip to pull air out
-I ordered a 4in inline fan to go outside the box, 4" carbon filter to fit in the duct in the picture
-mylar will be all around the box for stealth (still need to finish)
-Thinking of putting my intake holes at the bottom of the tub
-I have extra pc fans I can rig for extra intake if my box is too hott
-light control plug
-soil will be: 4 parts topsoil, 1 part peatmoss, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite
-fertilizer by grow more
-2 or 3 gallon pot
-ph stick
-ONA gel
- I HAVE Dutch Passion seeds auto fem

, I want to get cheese3 or ak47 or super silver haze + northern lights or blue dream (any advice?)


What formula by grow more?? Aren't those the little crystals? I was curious about those, looks legit though, I like the little double stack, that's clever haha ;Mylar for stealth???? What's that mean? I. Know it's great for reflectivity.


I just, like, really looked at that that, you went hard lol that's hella cool, I want one,makes me miss the stress free days of one or two in the corner of 1 room lmao


New Member
Mylar for stealth, because when lit up, the box glows. I cut an exhaust hole I'm just waiting on my fan and my carbon filter to get here.


New Member
There was an original rubbermaid tutorial, at hxxps:// That was the best thing I've seen. But I didn't have all those tools lol


Well-Known Member
What advice do you need? lol

This is pretty damn similar in size to my cardboard box, just make sure you got your temp/humidity/air flow/light seal in check.

Good luck :weed:


Was there a reason why you chose to go with CFL over LED? I'm only asking because temperatures concern me. My temps were too high with 2x23w CFL's, and I'm in a basement during winter right now.


New Member

Hey everyone! :peace:

So far pretty good. I'm only growing one plant, it's just for personal use from time to time.
The plant looks green and healthy. I've been going with the flow, and If I sense my leaves turning brown or something, then I'll change my regime.

So far I'm using black n gold soil.
And I just started my plant on some nutes. A 4-4-4 mix to start.
Anyone know how long I can feed it the light 4-4-4 mix until I switch it up for a different nute mix?

Here's some pictures.

Screen shot 2014-03-17 at 11.12.04 PM.pngScreen shot 2014-03-17 at 11.12.24 PM.pngScreen shot 2014-03-17 at 11.12.04 PM.png
Hanging my carbon filter+fan wasn't an option for me, but it seems to be working very well, keeping my box at perfect temps.

I'll try to keep up with updates, as I'll be ordering more seeds soon as well.

