First watering question


New Member
Thanks in advance for all the great advice on my very first attempt.

I am about to plant germinated WW (feminized) seeds into 6" pots using FF Ocean Forest soil. I should have asked this question a few days ago, but is there anything I need to do to the soil before planting?
Here was what I planned on doing, PLEASE share your constructive and helpful criticism!

I planned to fill the pots right from the bag, tapping the pots to settle the soil and then lightly patting the soil down a bit. I woulld then make a hole about 1/4 inch and gently drop my germinated seed in, root tip down. Place soil over the seed and very lightly tap the soil down. I will slowly add water, wait a second, add a bit more, until I see water leaking out the bottom holes. At this point I would stop any watering and place under the lights. I only intend to use distilled water for about the first 3 weeks then I will start the FF nutes.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, Ff is too hot for seedlings. Maybe 1 of these soil growers will chime in on the FF.
As for watering, before you put plant in pot. Fill pot then see how it feels when dry. Then each time you transplant do the same thing. TThat's your water gauge, when the pots feel slightly heavier than empty you water. When you water, water til you get a decent run-off and leave them alo.e til pots are light again.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I moisten the new soil before putting it in the pot... Much easier to mix it around and get evenly damp.


Ocean forest will kill your seedlings. It's has to many nutrients in it. Use happy frog or light warrior if possible if not cut the crap out of it with perlite to dilute nutrients. Killed several before being learning myself. Now use light warrior with no problems. Put soil in a larger bucket and moisten with spray bottle so it dosent turn to mud. Toss it around as you mist and get fairly moist. Now fill your pot with soil and water until it runs out.Pre wetting all the soil will keep the pot from getting dry spots and also aid in water soaking in when watered. Now your pot is ready for a seedling 1/4 deep and flake some soil over the hole and give a couple taps.let er sit and work its magic.