First white spider web fuzz now slime on my clones!!!


Well-Known Member
Last week I lost a few clones from some white spider web fuzzy stuff now today lost another that had a slimy stem and fell over. I have never had problems cloning before:-(

Are the two the same thing or caused by the same thing?

I use pro-mix as my soil medium in 3 inch peat cups with Olivias cloning gel under a humidity dome that is vented with a heat mat underneath.
Is it too much heat? The peat cups barely feel warm.
Should I use a different medium than pro-mix even though it has worked before?
Do I have to sterilize my humidity dome now with alcohol or H2O2 or something.
Any help appreciated....
You should just make a bubble cloner I have a 90% success rate with it so far and I don't need rooting hormone just water.
I can't get a bubble cloner or make one right now. I have to figure out what is going on or a better way. I have some strains that may go extinct if I don't figure this out.
You do realize while you have white fuzzy webbing don't you? Sounds like mites. And the slimy stem sounds like a fungus issue. when was the last time your grow area had a good cleaning with bleach and h2o2?
Thanks for help! It is not spider mites, it is at the base of the clones stems only. I probably do need to do a clean up, got bleach!
Anybody got a suggestion for a different cloning grow medium?
They dont look like little pimples sticking out do they?

Nope no pimples, the guy at the grow shop said he has seen the white fuzz before but didn't have a name for it. I have the meat mat off for now, may be too warm in the dome. I am going to try having the heat mat 15 minutes on 15 minutes off for a while.
I also need to find a new cloning medium fast.
Add 3% HOOH at ratio of 1 :5 of water to sterilize your media ( Net .3%) when u start. Dont mist toomuch direct;y- A little dry is actually good
Thanks dart420, I've never heard of root riot cubes but will google them later.
Devilspawn good one, I probably should sterilize the pro-mix, it's been sitting around a while.
elffroggo, Just sand for a medium? Does it stay moist well?
Thanks for the help all....:leaf: