Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream


Active Member
Hi I am from Mexico and this is my first attempt to grow some pesonal pot.

I´m going to try to post at least once a week, 1st to keep a record and 2nd to recive some advice from you guys.

Growing Setup: Super box from
- 200w CFL Grow Light
- Circulation Fan
- Activated Carbon Air Filter
- 8 plant Hidroponic System
- Air and Water pump
- Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer
- Shock Buster
- Timer (for Light cicles and Water Pump)
- RockWool Cubes


- 2 Tangerine Dream (Fem) form Barneys Farm (70 days)
- 1 Gigabud (it was a free sample that came withe the Tangerine Dream)

Nutrient Solution: - Recipe For Success Technaflora


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Active Member
Ok this is what i have done in this first few days.

Day 1:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 25.4°C
Humidity: 31%
PPM: 940
Ph: Yellow (6)

- Pre soak the RockWool forabout 30 min in water
- Deposit the seeds in a little hole and cover it with a layer of Rockwool.
- Internal Fan off.
- Nutrients: Vegetative solution.
- Water just touching the net.
- Air pup on all the time.

Day 2 and 3 - Nothing new

Day 4:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 23°C
Humidity: 25%
PPM: 993
Ph: Brown (7)

- I use my ph kit to put it back to 6.
- The seed already cracked i hope to seesomething green soon.
- In 3 days Min Temp 17.2 -Max Temp 25.8
- In 3 days Min Hum% 20 -Max Hum% 38

Tomorrow I’ll try to post some pics of my little girls.


Active Member
Day 5: Nothing

Day 6:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 25.8°C
Humidity: 38%
PPM: 1000 (after refelling)
Ph: Yellow (6)

- I had to refill the reservoir. (up to water just touching the net)
- One of the seeds had to much rock wool on top and had a little problem coming strait up, so i lighten the rock wool layer on top.


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Active Member
Day 7: Nothing

Day 8:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 23°C
Humidity: 20%
PPM: 1050
Ph: 6

- Had to adjust the Ph, it was too high.
- In 2 days Min Temp 19.5 - Max Temp 25.2
- In 2 days Min Hum% 20 - Max Hum% 30



Day 9: Nothing

Day 10: Nothing

Day 11: Nothing

Day 12:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 24.8°C
Humidity: 30%
PPM: 216
Ph: 6

- I had to change my reservoir water and clean the hydroponic system because it had some algae.
- I realize that the formula i was using was for Vegetative state so this time i used the Technoflora transplanting stage formula.
- One of my plants is growing a little slow but the other two are fine (I think), the may be a little stretchy but nothing to worry.
- the PPM reading was far lower than previous because of the change in the formula.

- Also today i got a digital ph meter. I Fu**ing hate the drop test.




Well-Known Member
Holy fuckin shit dude 1000 at a seedling. your lucky that bitch is alive.. You need to be running like 200 250 max at seedlings. lol. I'd be kicking myself in the ass so hard right now lol. It's all good they can recoop their still young and restless.


Active Member
Day 13:
Light Cycle: 18/6

Temp: 27°C
Humidity: 36%
PPM: -
Ph: -


- After my big mistake of giving vegetative nutrients to seed i change my formula.
- Today I cover the nest with black plastic so less light hits the reservoir.


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Day 14:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 26.7°C
Humidity: 36%
PPM: 386
Ph: 6


- Since yesterday that i blacked out the reservoir with plastic the Hum% has gone up.
- Today I measure the PPM and it went up to about 386 (is too high!!) and to fast i think!
- I'm going to add some water so keep it under 250


Active Member
Day 15
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 23°C
PPM: 261
Water Temp: 23°C
Ph: 6.1


- Today I went shopping so I bought.
*My PH / Water temp meter.
*Some hydroton pellets to block the light from the resevoir.
*Florakleen to keep my system in shape.

- I had to lower down the PPM reading (with water) because it was 386 - I want to keep it under 300
- Also I cut the rockwool smaller and surrounded it with hydroton pellets.
-My water pump is still off, only the air pump is on.


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Active Member
Day 16: Nothing
Day 17: Nothing
Day 18: Nothing

Day 19
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 26.4°C
PPM: 258
Water Temp: 24.5°C
Ph: 6

-Today I change the nutrient solution.
-I notice some brown spots in the tip of the leaves.


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kevin murphy

New Member
im subbed only 2 things id improve on first is humidity needs to be alot more than 38% it neds be double that and 2 is to get light closer to stiop strtch other than that u doin good mate


Active Member
Day 20: Nothing

Day 21:
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 27.5°C
PPM: 261
Water Temp: 24.5°C
Ph: 5.5

- Pic 1 Tangerine Dream - Sativa (small one) size (3") - Very few roots visible. - the 4th set of plans is barely showing.
- Pic 2 Tangerine Dream - Sativa (Tall one) size (4") - Good root system - Tomorrow I will top this plant, the 5th set of leaves is almost 1/4 inch.
- Pic 3 Gigabud - Indica - Good root system size (2.5") - Maybe in 2 or 3 days I will top this plant also the 5th set of leaves is showing.

- I am building a nice frame because i want to try Scrog, mainly because i have very limited space to grow.

- Tomorrow I what to change to vegetative cycle, fist ppm somewhere between 300-400 = 1/4 of strength.

Is it too early???? (remember i have little space), i have read that you should wait about a month, Im on day 21.

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how did you get them to strech like that and they are looking awesome im on day 6 of my first bubblebonics gro


Active Member
Congrats on grow.

Actually I dint like them to be so stretchy, sometimes this happens because the light is too far, but with this setup I cant move the light (I´ll change that for my next try).
also if you look close the two Tangerine dream they are more sativa and sativas tend to grow taller, and the third one is smaller thats a G13 Gigabud a more Indica and they tend to be smaller.


thats aesome thats the next on im going to grow is the tangerine dream it looks awesome i cant wait to see more pics of your grow


Active Member
Day 22: Nothing

Day 23: Looking good!!

Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 27°C
PPM: 300
Water Temp: 23°C
Ph: 5.5

- I just had to refill my reservoir and keep an eye on my ph and ppm


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Active Member
Day 24: Nothing
Day 25: Nothing
Day 26: Nothing

Day 27: Boost!!
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 26°C
PPM: 360
Water Temp: 22°C
Ph: 5.6

- Today I added 1 tea spoon of FloraKleen and turn on the water pump for about 1.5 hr. this is suppose to get rid of the salt that accumulates.
- Also change the nutrient solution to vegetative state formula, and increase the ppm to 300-400 (real 360).
- I think I got a little carry away and top 2 of my plants (pics)
- Bought a humidifier, the problem is that it drop the temperature below 21°C, (ill probably set it to run for 15 min every 2 hr)
- I set up the water pump to run for 15 min every 3 hr.


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1- If you look close to the first two sets of leaves they have brown spots I think it is because the mistake I made in the beginning (ppm of 1000 Stupid!!!), but it seems to be getting browner.
- Is it normal?? if not what can i do??
2- Is ppm 360 too much for them right now??
3- Every time I refill my reservoir I do it all the way until they barley touches the net pot, now my plants have a good root system should I leave more space???


Active Member
Leaves don't recover from nute issues, keep an eye on new growth. Uncle Ben is an old time grower on the boards, try to find his threads and read up. I have some of his links in my journal.

I have a SC Trinity. While higher humidity is IDEAL in veg, don't stress about adding more moisture. I live in AZ, nearly impossible for me to get my humidity over 40%, usually it lingers at 20-27%. Had people stressing me out about low %, tried like crazy to raise it. My plants are doing fine at lower humidity levels. Bottom line is plant nutrition. Focus on leaf health and growth, that will create big buds. Read Uncle Ben's stuff.