Fist Grow Mystery Bag Seed


Okay so i've got some mystery bag seed going, i have no idea what strain it is or anything but it smells dank as hell and has so sense its been in its veg state 11/20/2010 it was flipped to flower on 12/26/2010 so it had 36 days of veg, im about 90% sure it is a female but want to be sure i see white hairs coming up all over the bud sites. Its under a 90watt LED UFO supposed to be equivalent to like a 400 watt hps but i dont have a way to test it and it has (4) 100 watt daylight CFL's giving it support from the sides. Its diet has been a floragrow and florabloom. today the leaves are a little curled im guessing from nute burn, it got a big feeding yesterday. I cant really be sure though as this is all pretty new to me. If anyone might know what strain it is feel free to venture a guess tho its pry to early to tell but I'm not sure.



Well-Known Member
It's a female.

as for the strain. It is 100% IMPOSSIBLE to tell the strain from the looks.