Fist time


My setup: HLG650R just below 50%, 5x5, intake and exhaust 6” fans carbon filter on exhaust tent is exhausted into a room not outside so air is recycled, 10 gallon fabric pots ( probably overkill), soil primarily Espoma soil mixed with pro mix (not sure which one sry) so far just watered with “ph’ed” water and occasionally organic blackstrap molasses I was told it helps the soil.? temperature never more than 10degrees difference normally 82 to 74 F, RH from 74 to 48 %, bag seed, 2months from the day they popped,
They seem to be growing slowly to me based on what I’ve seen from researching online. Went with a cheap ph meter noticed the yellowing leaves lucky I brought more than one so I tested with a new meter and got a much different result my old meter read 6.2 new meter read 7.5. So I thought possible deficiency of some kind iron maybe or nitrogen? But have done 2 waterings since at a PH of 6 and saw a slight improvement in leaf color. Since the few waterings with a ph of 6 the leaves continued to yellow I tested the soil ph and got 5.5‍♂ So I have watered with 6.5ph water. I might have forgotten stuff feel free to ask questions I’d appreciate some more experienced input! C4A69CB2-D943-41D4-BB5B-5D2ED136570A.jpegF6F9E1D8-648D-4460-A7FE-435482B5C241.jpeg961B3C4A-FD4F-4C19-9AB0-2BEF555F24FD.jpeg

420 T

Yeah bro that seems like a Nitrogen deficiency it's good to always keep a nutrient trio something like fox form that has NPK.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i could be wrong, but the larger fan leaves usualy go first b 4 the newer leaves. larger fan leaves turning yellow first or showing other signs in general are NP OR K related, where the newer leaves changing colour indicate a trace elament problem.
but the larger fan leaves on them look green and the tips are pointing down, indicating a nitrogen or watering problem.
but if it worked on 420 t's plants then feed them a feed like he/she did.
420 t, what did you give them? an NPK nute solution or some nitric acid in water or a single N rich feed??


Hello guys thanks for your reply’s up to this point I have not given them any nutes the soil tested at 800ppm so I thought maybe they didn’t need any nutes yet I will try that on the next watering. I give them half gallon of water every 3 days or so depending on how the medium is looking I don’t know if that’s enough but definitely not too much I know over watering is a problem so I’m airing on the side of caution without drying them rite out. I was also told it’s not good to have lots of run off with soil. The espoma soil Is definitely organic soil so didn’t wanna wash out anything beneficial.

Yeah bro that seems like a Nitrogen deficiency it's good to always keep a nutrient trio something like fox form that has NPK.


Hey guys thanks so much for all your input I stabilized the ph then gave them some nutes and they are on the rebound lots of new growth and color is returning