I never used to use foliar feeding in my grows. When I got into having a "legal" garden (tomateos, peppers corn, etc) I started to use fish emulsion and seaweed for foliar feeding. What a difference it made with veggies from my garden. So three years ago I decided to try it on some of my females while not spraying others. I know it isn't the perfect science experiment, but there was a huge difference in the quality, quantity, and taste of the buds. Since then I have used foliar feedings throughout my grow cycles. I've always used natural ingredients for the foliar feeding that are not super strong. The mixture i use changes depending on what cycle the plants are in. The last week or two before I harvest I stop using the mixture in fear that it will make it taste nasty. I'm not sure what it would taste like if you went right up till you harvested. I like the idea of having that one last rain storm to wash off all the crap I spray on the plants. Its worth a shot trying just don't mix things too strong. The leaves obsorb a fair amount of the nuts so there is no need to make it super strong. Good luck to ya!