Flat Stem Mutation?


Well-Known Member
I'll post a pic tomorrow my lights just went dark
I have a jtr I just transplanted afew days ago I went and checked things out and it's stem has flattened it self out has anyone ever herd or seen this before or know it cause?


Well-Known Member
did you Not Read? i said i transplanted it and checked a couple days later and Seen the Stem.


Well-Known Member
one of my seedlings did that...hard to get a pic...almost looks like the inside grw faster than the outside
it's all solid stem...but flat. no harm done...it seems perfectly happy.
it never wilted or appeared in duress either....

i'm pretty sure it must have been pinched some how by my thick meaty fingers during the transplant...


Well-Known Member
this is not a pinch nor does it look like a super crop. the effected area is something like 5+ inches and it is almost exactly as you decribe Chubby its Solid But Flat


Well-Known Member
As long as the plant is healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. Just like people who grow tumors, or are born with extra limbs/missing limbs, plants can do the same. Plus, don't forget that marijuana is a weed. Weeds do all kinds of crazy shit.


i have 2 plants that i topped an 1 stem on each plant is flat it almost looks like it was 2 stems that converged and stayed as 1 there almost a half in wide im just curious what the main cola is going to look like


more than a year later comment. its a genetic disorder. Look at the latest strain hunter video at green house seeds and they find on in the wild. It doesnt really harm the plant as far as I know but it causes almost no side branching and massive leaf growth out of the crown.