Flo F-5


Well-Known Member
To me it is all about the type and quality of high and not just strength. Sativa, indica, or hybrid I want a happy enjoyable buzz. One of my last grows had some D.J. Short Flo F-5. I got 2 females out of 10 seeds. That sucked but ended up not being my biggest disappointment. First, flavor was nothing near what I expected out of a Blueberry hybrid (Blueberry F-5 is the father.) After trying both plants a couple of times I was very disappointed. At first I thought it was totally useless and the plan was to throw it out. Something I never do. People like free weed so you I normally give the stuff I don't like away. I have jars and jars of weed that I do like and knew I wouldn't ever smoke this stuff. I never got around to doing it so I decided to try it again.

Well it isn't totally useless. For me it is. THC levels are probably right for this strain. My guess would be in the 16 to 18%. I like lots of other strains in that range so it is not the strength that is the problem. It is the high! I tried it again one morning when nothing was going on. This weed has the most depressing high I ever remember smoking. It is the exact opposite of happy weed. I can't say I have ever had that happen. I have seen slight paranoia. been put to sleep and plenty else from different highs. I have never been depressed by a high. Day was fine before, day sucked after it. What really sucked was you could just smoke a indica and sleep it off I tried that. I couldn't sleep, didn't want to be awake I was f**ked. After half the day was ruined I was finally able to smoke my way back to normal with some Cinderella and Headband.

I know most people are effected differently and like and dislike different strains. This high was so off the wall to me I was wondering if anyone else had noticed it?
I tried Flo when it first came out gosh idk maybe 15yrs ago?? 20?

It sucks! At least to me. Oh bfd he is DJ short so what his Flo is weak and not interesting in the least.

Way too much fanboy sxxx in this industry. Reputations are built on hype. He had a nice blueberry. Whopdee lol.

You arent crazy, i would never grow Flo, but everybody had an opinion.
I found a Flo I liked in a dispensary last year. That is why I decided to go back in time and get it. Stupid stupid stupid. I later found out Colorado has a good Flo cut that is pretty good. Wonder how long they had to look for that?

I grew D.J. Shorts F-13 years ago. I really liked that one. I know he lost some genetics along the way. That could very well be the reason his genetics have changed. I can understand why they may not be able to make the exact strain again. The fact he didn't go with something different and this is what he is doing now days. Shows it was more luck than knowledge when he made Blueberry. You can either live off your old accomplishments or make new ones. We now know what D.J. Short is doing.

On the opposite side of that same coin. Grimm is still leaning on his early work in breeding. Hi strains are still pretty damn good. Nothing wrong with staying with winning genetics if the quality is still there. He is now blending in more and more new genetics. Their Grimm Glue Is pretty damn good. It isn't the age of the genetics. It is how they hold up against all these 20% + THC strains of today.
I have had some of the CO Flo before and thought it was some of the best daytime bud ever. I bought some DJ seeds (Flo and BB). Ran some BB outdoors and though it was pretty good. Haven’t gotten to the Flo yet but will eventuall. Sucks that you didn’t like it and that is disheartening but on the other hand read another’s smoke report recently and it was the opposite of yours so I guess it’s subjective.
Yes I am sure others will have a opinion on it. Weed always effects people in different ways. They also have different requirements for what makes a good strain. I have grown a lot of different strains/breeders over the years. At one time D.J. Short was one of them. His F-13 was a really good strain. That was years ago.

From what I have heard. The original parents have been lost. All the stuff today is remade genetics of his old stuff. The fact that he can't do it again with the same genetic background. Means it wasn't a great eye for weed. It was just the luck of the draw that gave us Blueberry.

D.J. Short has high priced seeds. Way too high from what the genetics show. If I can save one person money then this tread was worth it.
I sure hope his Blueberry is still good. I have packs of the F-4 and F-5 versions. Someday I would like to try them. It will be a while before I forget the Flo F-5 thought.

Personally I like The Purps more than Blueberry. The main reason I got the Blueberry was to make a hybrid of the 2.
Guy on IG ran 5 packs, found zero berries - all chemical perfume smell. It was swiftly labelled growers error by Dj Shorts son.
To me it is all about the type and quality of high and not just strength. Sativa, indica, or hybrid I want a happy enjoyable buzz. One of my last grows had some D.J. Short Flo F-5. I got 2 females out of 10 seeds. That sucked but ended up not being my biggest disappointment. First, flavor was nothing near what I expected out of a Blueberry hybrid (Blueberry F-5 is the father.) After trying both plants a couple of times I was very disappointed. At first I thought it was totally useless and the plan was to throw it out. Something I never do. People like free weed so you I normally give the stuff I don't like away. I have jars and jars of weed that I do like and knew I wouldn't ever smoke this stuff. I never got around to doing it so I decided to try it again.

Well it isn't totally useless. For me it is. THC levels are probably right for this strain. My guess would be in the 16 to 18%. I like lots of other strains in that range so it is not the strength that is the problem. It is the high! I tried it again one morning when nothing was going on. This weed has the most depressing high I ever remember smoking. It is the exact opposite of happy weed. I can't say I have ever had that happen. I have seen slight paranoia. been put to sleep and plenty else from different highs. I have never been depressed by a high. Day was fine before, day sucked after it. What really sucked was you could just smoke a indica and sleep it off I tried that. I couldn't sleep, didn't want to be awake I was f**ked. After half the day was ruined I was finally able to smoke my way back to normal with some Cinderella and Headband.

I know most people are effected differently and like and dislike different strains. This high was so off the wall to me I was wondering if anyone else had noticed it?
Blueberry is not the father of flo or even in it's lineage. Flo stands for floral line. That is purple Thai*Afghani.

i grew out flo f5 as well and have the same opinions as you. I will not be growing this again. Ever lol. Reminded me of terrible brick swag...