flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?


I have a titan flo and gro system. Sometime today, the float valve got stuck. The pump somehow got wedged up beside it and my system never drained. It could of been like that for about 9 hours max. I am not sure what time during the day the float got stuck.

My system is fixed now, but I am not sure what to do for my plants. Will they be ok on their own or is there anything I can do to help them? I am growing in hydrotron. The plants are in the second week of flower. Thanks in advance for any input you can offer


Well-Known Member
I would think they will be ok, as long as there's no sign of drooping. Stop feeding for a day and let the roots dry out a little then presume you feed schedule. That's what I would try. MJ is a strong weed, be surprised what it can take and survive.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
That's the reason I don't like ebb/flow bucket systems. Don't trust float valves. CAP has a terrible track rating with control bucket failure, but this thread isnt about hating CAP.

Personally, I would just resume feeding as usual. You already stressed them a bit with overwatering, I don't see why you'd want to stress them in the other direction by underwatering. Not trying to be contradictory, just my .02


Thanks for all your advice. After I fixed the issue with the float valve, I went to bed. My timer is set to water once at lights off and I left it like that. I checked on them right when they woke up this morning and it wasn't good. I have four plants, three looked lifeless and almost dead. All leaves were drooping, I thought they were goners. It's been four hours since then and they look SO much better now. Three almost look like nothing happened. The fourth and biggest plant is mostly still drooping but it has a few select spots on it where leaves are perking up. If leaves do not perk up, should I consider cutting that section out? I figure by tomorrow I will know for sure what parts of the plant will not make it, if any!

DeeTee, you are right. I accidentally just tried to drown my plants and they survived!

ClownBaby, This is my first run with ebb and flow so I am still learning. I really like the titan system so far, decent value for what you get and it is constructed well. The pump inside my controller somehow wedge up against the float valve, that is what made it stick. The pump attaches to the inner wall with suction cups, I may not of pushed it on hard enough. I just wanted to point out that this was most likely my fault, not a defect in the titan system.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
just a heads up, you dont need to water at night. That could be contributing to the drooping.

Water +CO2 ----light---> c6h12o6 (sugar) + o2.

If the lights are off, you dont need to water.


That makes a lot of sense. I have followed a few threads with people using the titan system with hydrotron and they all water once in the night. Is this to keep the roots from getting too dry? I will look into this, thank you for pointing it out!

Water +CO2 ----light---> c6h12o6 (sugar) + o2.

If the lights are off, you dont need to water.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
just a heads up, you dont need to water at night. That could be contributing to the drooping.

Water +CO2 ----light---> c6h12o6 (sugar) + o2.

If the lights are off, you dont need to water.
You beat me to the punch, was going to say the same thing, feeding when lights off is not usefull.


I checked out a few other threads with people doing ebb and flo systems using hydrotron and the only ones who were not feeding at night were those who were in veg. I am worried abotu teh roots drying out in the 12 hour night in hydrotron. I imagine a rockwool cube would retain some water, far more than hydrotron. Also, I have never seen people shut aeroponic pumps off at night either. What you two are saying makes a lot of sense. I will continue to look into this, Im very curious now! Thanks again for the input.

Just to give you an update on the topic of the thread, three plants look almost good as new. There are sections of one of teh three that are drooping and I doubt will survive. The fourth plant looks horrible. Only portions of it have any vigor. It's mostly all drooping

I may have another potential issue. My pH is rising and I am not sure why. I am running advanced nutrients connoisseur and I usually keep my pH around 5.7 and my ppms around 1400-1600. This morning I checked it and the pH was 6.3 and the ppms were at 1580. I added about 6mL of ph down to my reservoir and it has about 18 gallons in it now. I did not do a recheck until just now, about 10 hours later. The pH was at 6.48 and the ppms were at 1600. Why is my pH rising so much?

I am using a milwaukee meter and I just calibrated it this morning. I even broke out my old hannah combo meter to verify my results.


Well-Known Member
My opinion, 1400 to 1600 ppm is too high, I go by the chart below and adjust according to the strain....hope this helps.

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts ..100 to 250
Early Vegging ......................300 to 400
Full Vegetation ....................450 to 700
Early Blooming ...................750 to 950
Full Mature Blooms ...........1000 to 1600