Flood and Drain Mediums


I am currently constructing quite a large hydroponic flood and drain system. I will run 25 small plants in a SoG-style setup, keeping each plant in an individual pot so that they can be manipulated.
I'm currently undecided on my grow medium, but would like to switch to coco peat, mainly due to its relatively low cost as compared to other mediums. I have 4 questions:

1) Will the Coco peat float as my trays flood?
2) What is the most appropriate method of containing the peat? As the holes in the bottom of the pot are quite large, I'd expect the relatively small peat would follow the water as it is evacuated.
3) Is Coco Peat suitable for the raising of clones, or should I start with small rockwoool cubes which can then be placed in Coco for later life?
3) What other mediums should I be considering? My main requirements are low cost, soilless, suitable for use in pots and suitable for use in a flood and drain system.

Given the age and size of the rollitup community, I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times, unfortunately a search didn't return much of use
Thank you for any assistance.


No one has used coco in a flood and drain system before? I find that hard to believe... Also not a good sign!


Active Member
Not that I've used the medium before but the only mention I've heard of coca in an ebb and flow the guy had hydroton in the bottom of his pots (roughly 1/2 inch or so). Do note that I'm relatively new to these forums as well as growing in general but it seems like it would work in preventing coco particles from clogging drains.

Edit: Have you seen the sticky in the indoor section "Coco growers unite!"?


Yeah I had, I ran into it about 3 months ago. Didn't really learn anything new or run into anything addressing my concerns. The Hydroton lining is actually quite a good idea... I was also thinking of doing some minor lining of the holes themselves to allow the water to drain and the roots to still get through. I'm not sure that the Peat escaping is really THAT big of an issue, normal soil seems to be quite easily contained in the pots after it has been flushed with water a few times.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Check into Smartpots. They're made from Cocofiber and should address any concerns you have. They come in lots of sizes and are available at any good grow shop. The fluid transfer through the walls is very good. I would still use some type of filter (cheesecloth or fine screen) around the drain.
Hope this helps,