Flood and drain, ok to pull roots apart?


Active Member
Hello so yes I have a flood and drain going and I need to move the plants further apart but there are alot of roots tangled up in each other, I will be as careful as possible but some will break I can see this, so will pulling them apart do alot of damage to the plant or is it not so bad?

Thank you.
If you're worried about any dead roots screwing with your recirculating system, you could add some enzymes to help break down the roots. Pondzyme is cheap but there are lots of products out there
As long as you have healthy plants they won’t skip a beat.
Yeah the plants are healthy, I've just never pulled roots apart and they're definitely going to break, so I didn't know. But that's good news thank you!
If you're worried about any dead roots screwing with your recirculating system, you could add some enzymes to help break down the roots. Pondzyme is cheap but there are lots of products out there
Would PondZyme break down roots in the clay balls after the grow and the pants have been chopped and all?