FloraNova 7-4-10


Active Member
My plants are about 6 weeks old and undersized cuz I stunted them by accident. I used FloraNova 7-4-10 the last couple of waterings not realizing I should of been using it the whole time. I put them under the 1000W MH about 5 days ago. Alot of my plants have yellowing on them that I assume is from N deficiency. Should I start using some stronger Nutes? If so what combination should I use? Thanx.


Well-Known Member
is that the bloom or veg nutes. if you have the veg nute just give them that and they sgould start to turn around


Active Member
Thanx for your response. Its the 1 Part Grow Plant Food. Its supposed to be used up until the flowering stage and then switched to the Bloom Formula. With how yellow alot of the leaves are I wasnt sure if I should use something stronger w/ more Nitrogen than 7.0%. I fed them about 3 days ago w/ this and it looks like it might of worked alittle. I made a stronger batch today at work so Ill feed them again when I get home. I should see results(greener Leaves) within a couple days if thats what the problem is right? Thanx again, i could use the help.


Well-Known Member
well the one part is really good and i havent seen or heard of anyone getting defisancies while usig them. i would use the veg for the first 2 weeks of flower along with some bloom so they stay greener. also u wont seeresults for awhile but the plant will know the differnece. and the yellow leaves wont change back but they wont get worse either and also the new groweth will be more lush green


Active Member
I just got home and watered them w/ the Nutes. I know the yellow 1's wont turn back. i dont know if the very light green(upper) leaves are gettin alittle greener or its just wishful thinking. Like I said I used the F.N. last time & I upped the dosaged this time so I hope I see some good results. I started w/ 20 plants and out of 14 plants right now I have 5 very strong plants that werent really affected even tho theyre kinda small for their age. If I post some pics would you be able to tell if I should keep tryin to get them healthy or if I should just start over?


Well-Known Member
im sure the dose of veg nutes will help, throw up some pics of them also where is the yellowing happing. pics will help alot


Well-Known Member
Go out and get the floranova bloom, and give em 8 ml per gallon. Veg all the way to end of Flowering. Terrific results from what Ive heard.


Well-Known Member
so ur sayin give them the veg nute plus the bllom nuts in flower, i think that would cause an N overdose. i used the veg nute for the first 2 weeks of flower then slowly switched to bloom with no veg, i give some shots of N through out flower though


Active Member
Sorry, i havent been on in a couple days but heres the pics. I tried to take better ones today but the batteries in my camera died. Sinse my 1st post it seems like alot of my plants have grown alittle and gotten a couple tints greener,especially the 1 in the 5gl bag. I dont know about using Bloom & floering Nutes at the same time. I thought it was 1 or the other. When you said give it some shots of N, where can I buy "just" N? Is there a brand or name that I should look for? Thanx again for the help bro.

what's the ppm of your water? whats your ph? how much are you using per gal? I used 5ml per gal of tap water with a ppm of 40-140 and had great veg results. Also have friends that use the Bloom at 5ml a gal a peak bloom and 3ml from week 1-4.. I'd switch to House & Garden


Active Member
that should be plenty of nitrogen, your plants are really young, you must have some other problem with pH or something. I'm gonna use flora nova also, 5 mL per gallon?? that's crazy I was thinking i would use like a tablespoon for when its big, which is 15 mL. Are you growing indoor or outdoor? would that be enough for outdoor plants..