Florida grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm going to start my first outdoor grow this spring, its going to be in a swamp in an open area that gets plenty of light, its dry now but should around knee deep in water through out the summer, im going to build some kind of platforms to place my pots on, to get them out of the water, I plan on using fox farm oceon forest with water absorbing crystals because i don't plan on making to many visits. maybe once every 2 weeks to check up on them and water them, I plan on using the swamp water, it sounds bad but the water looks pretty decent, and other plants seem to grow fine with it, I shouldn't have to worry about critters because of the water, bugs and drought should be my only problems. I need to find a strain that will do well in this kinda enviroment.......summers here tend have some periods of drought but will have alot of rain and temp her gets in the low 90's with high humidity, the strains that I have researched online don't tend to have to much info on outdoor info. Any ideas of a strain that will do well in this enviorment and won't need to much attention from me, I plan on statrting them indoor with promix and then transplanting them outdoors after a coupoe of weeks, and femenized would be best because i don't want to waste my time on males, anybody else grow in florida and please help with my strain choice? I plan on only 5 female plants


Well-Known Member
so I been looking around and found some fem hollands hope from wwwms they are very mold resistent but I also read they are good for cooler climates, also many of the puprple strains are good for cooler climate, since i live in florida and usally between 90 and 95 degrees with these strains do fine or is to hot?


Well-Known Member
Theirs got to be someone on rollitup that has grown outdoors in florida. Come on I need some reinsurence that I wiil do fine lol


Well-Known Member
Theirs got to be someone on rollitup that has grown outdoors in florida. Come on I need some reinsurence that I wiil do fine lol
Yeah you'll do fine, buddy. I like your style:mrgreen:. I've done the same thing growing in a swamp in florida...I put my containers in 2 or 3 inches of water so I wouldn't have to water them. If this is what your thinking about doing it know that it will work but it will reduce your yield. It doesn't grow as fast as it would with regular feedings...It's a good idea to grow it in a smamp. No pussies will be walking thru swamps looking for weed or anything else for that matter. Only thing you got to worry about is police flyovers.


Well-Known Member
did you have any problems with bugs or anything, and since i won't have them directly in the water, do you think i have any problems with them drying out, you know how florida can be, it usually rains every day or so but lately these last few summers have seen periods of drought, I plan on putting those water absorbing crystals mixed with my soil, and hopefully i can get back there twice a month if there is drought, I don't think i will have to worry about flyovers because its kinda in a residential area


Well-Known Member
IDK I've never had experience with the water absorbing crystals. If you can get back there twice a month my guess would be that they would be fine. I would try to get out there more often once they started flowering, though.


Well-Known Member
And No I didn't have any problems w/ bugs. But, I think I just got lucky. You can buy some shit that's really cheap to keep bugs away, though. And you don't have to worry about animals since your growing in a swamp.


Well-Known Member
I already got some of the 3 in 1 spray for my indoor grow so if i need use that i will, Why should I check on it more during flowering? I'll try to get back there as much as possible. the spot is behind my folks place in the woods/swamp and I don't live there i live in my own apartment, I plan on making my visits while their at work, but still don't want to making trips over there all the time tromping through knee deep swamp attracting to much attention to myself, but i'll do whatever it takes and try to keep a low profile if need be...........maybe i will catch some lizards have them be my guards against bugs while im gone lol


Well-Known Member
If u can start indoors couldnt u just start some mothers and take cuttings? I would much rather do that then buy 125 dollar femed seeds that arent guarenteed anyhow


Well-Known Member
Also in FL, I've had some problems with spider mites and caterpillars. The mites are gone, but, despite my efforts at deterring them, the caterpillar attack seems to have just begun. I haven't had any problem with mold. Just make sure that your soil drains well enough to stand up to all of the rain we've been getting lately.

Good luck man.
(bit N of WPB here)


Well-Known Member
It's ALOT easier if you have a huge back yard with tons of other plants and trees!! and then my buddy uses huge containers so he can move em around if need be! good stuff...in the woods though, or a fucking swamp, i can't imagine how tough that would be in florida, it's crazy down here, hahah


Well-Known Member
twice a month sounds good for later stages of growth, when the plant can stand on its own better, but for the most part, drought usually isn't the biggest worry.

Little bunny rabbits got to the lower tiers on my plants for one, (A LOT of wildlife usually hopping around FL)

Secluded areas are easy to find (A LOT of open wilderness on the side of every highway for the most part, so location isn't that big of a deal)

making sure your buddy doesn't dry out is simple enough once you have gotten past the infantile stages of growth, 4 times a month i would prefer just to take pics, and monitor growth rate, nute intake, etc....

keep it up FL, we ain't gonna let no Georgia or Alabama or Louisiana or any other state for that matter (cali in particular), get ahead of us when it comes to ingenuity and quality.
