Flourescent lights to be banned by 2012?

First Time Growin

Active Member
Hey so I read an article today speaking about the DoD and how they are swapping their marine vehicle lights to LED's, and how incandescent and fluorescent lights are going to be banned off the shelves by 2012. I found it kind of interesting and thought maybe other indoor growers who use CFL's will too. Anyway here's half the article (first half is just the guy rambling about his life as a child and how he knows the guy)

"In his early 40s now, John is no longer on active duty. After a final tour in Iraq in 2004, he came home for good, and with his choice of posts.
His choice: The Department of Defense — more specifically, the Defense Research Projects Agency, a top secret technology development branch of the DoD known in the inner circles simply as DARPA.
So, as you may expect, when I met John at a bar in Arlington last Wednesday (he’s become a bit of a party animal in his old age and can drink as many as 2 beers a night now), he didn’t have a whole lot to tell me about what he’s been doing.
I know the gist though… Everything you’ve ever seen in sci-fi movies — from lasers to camouflage that makes a man literally invisible, to tissue thin fabric that can stop a rifle bullet — he’s probably seen it all.
Which was why I was especially surprised when he told me what he did.
“LEDs are the new thing man… We’re about to corner the market on them.”

“You mean those little things they‘re putting into high end car headlights nowadays?” I asked, a bit disappointed.
“Nothing little about them,” he replied. “Two years from now, you’re not gonna see an Edison light bulb anywhere anymore. It’s all going to LEDs.”
“Incandescents,” I clarified. “I just bought a cartload at Sam’s Club. Damn things burn out faster than 80s actors named Corey.”
“Well, they’ve been banned by Congress. By 2012, they’ll be off the shelves.”
“No kidding.” I sighed. Light bulbs? Illegal? Was that even possible?
“No kidding. Congressional ban. Biggest of its kind — ever.”
“I had no idea… ” I said, trying to wrap my mind around the concept.
“What about fluorescents?” I asked, quickly recalling how my own power company sent me a couple of those strange, curly bulbs a couple years back when I complained about my skyrocketing electric bill.
“Forget them. EPA hates them almost as much as the incandescents. They don’t waste as much power, but the cost of disposal is several times higher. All that Mercury makes them a hazardous material once the glass casings are broken.”
“I don’t get it, why is the DoD into lighting?”
He leaned in a bit closer and whispered. “We’re retrofitting every ship, sub, and patrol boat with them… They’re so efficient they don’t produce background heat. Makes our subs that much harder to spot underwater. Almost no heat signature.”
“You’re saying that the old bulbs actually made our subs visible... ”
“It’s been a problem for years,” he nodded, sipping his beer.
“Anyway, I know you’d be interested in this stuff. Not too many are. We’re contracting this tiny company to supply us with the LEDs. The contract alone will more than double the company’s size. In a few years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the entire market cornered.”
“You mean civilian?”
“You got it,” he nodded. “Flatscreen TVs, computer monitors, brake lights, lamps that don’t affect the temperature in refrigerated display cases... They’re saying it’ll be a $9 billion market by the time incandescents go out for good.”
Was it even possible? I thought to myself... After all, the light bulb’s been around for 130 years...
Well it turns out, for the last 130 years, Edison’s bulbs have been among the worst commercial energy wasters out there.
Just how bad?
Consider this: 98% of the energy you pump into Tom Edison’s old incandescent light bulb is lost to heat. Only 1 watt of every 50 contributes to actual brightness.


So maybe John’s little revelation about the submarines does make sense.
It got me to thinking about what he said and this company he was talking about...
Of course, he wouldn’t give me the name of it.
For him, that’s a breach of trust, and trust isn’t something that gets breached — no matter what the potential profits may be.
But he's John, and that means that deep down inside, he’s still looking out for me.
He gave me just enough details for me to figure it out for myself.
When he said this was a small company, he wasn’t kidding. In fact, with a market cap of right around $26 million, it’s about as small a government contractor as I’ve seen around.
It took me a while to assemble the information, but as I pieced this puzzle together, a very clear image began to emerge...
Just as John told me, this company is on the verge of some major moves that will position it to become a big-time tech player for the next several decades.
Next week, we will be sending readers a full report so they too can find out what John was talking about, and how a DARPA-led $9 billion LED revolution could make millionaires out of strategically-minded private investors in the next 18 months. Keep an eye out for this report in your inbox."

I receive this in my emails but here is the link to the actual site

What are your opinions on this?
Are you a grower that uses CFL's?
What do you think you'll do after they are no longer available on the shelves, will you swap to LEDS or HPS?
this is interesting ftg, i do use cfl's, but only for cloning

what i'm more interested in is how do i position myself to take advantage of this, besides starting a company to retrofit all these bulbs?

i have heard nothing of this
probably investing in the stock which they are talking about in the article, i just received another yesterday dated may 20th, 2010 and looks like they already profiting pretty good

"Nick Hodge has done it again.
About a week ago, I sent you his urgent trade report recommending a tiny clean technology stock about to become a giant in the energy industry.
You could’ve bought this stock for just 22¢ at the time of the report’s release.
Well, yesterday the company announced a major partnership with the Chinese to produce clean drinking water and nuclear energy with its proprietary technology. The stock spiked in price — it is now up 226% from Nick’s recommendation on May 11 of this year.
Read that again: You could be up 226% in just a week’s time.
But don’t worry if you missed the first leg of this rally... Nick thinks it’ll be trading for a few dollars by the end of the summer. That would be a 400% gain from today's price. So there’s still time for you to make a fortune on this, but the train is starting to leave the station. " which stock it is though is beyond me, have to do some research
This is true . if you wanna make a shit load of money buy sea containers of flouro lights while they still cheap then resell em later when the manufactures stop making them :D