Flouro Tube Light Questions


Well-Known Member
Hello i have 2x 1 1/2 foot tall plants that have been growing outdoors since may 20th and today i moved them inside to finish flowering because its just been way too foggy out. They are about 1 month in the flowering stage and im using 2x 40w t12 cool white bulbs about 1 inch above the plants is this gonna be enough?


Well-Known Member
will they do decently though? i don have the cash to spend on lights i do have some cfls would that work better? and how many would i need


I can't say about the T12s specifically but the cool white bulbs aren't gonna cut it for flowering, need the red bulbs man... I'd say the CFLs would work better but again can't help you, I only have experience with T5s


Well-Known Member
use as many as you can, have you ever heard of a y splitter? it screws into a light socket and has 2 places to screw bulbs into so basically you can double the amount of bulbs you could use in comparison to if you did not. Use as big of watt as possible. try to keep a ratio of red spectrum to blue spectrum of about 60-40.(so if you were using 10 bulbs 6 reds and 4 blues for example).


Well-Known Member
my friend has a 600w hps that he said i could borrow the room im growing in is about 5ft long x 2ft wide x 5 1/2 ft tall am i gonna have any major heat problems?