Flouro Tubes


Well-Known Member
I want to buy some 4' Flouro Tubes to put on either side of my plants, (I want to stand them Upright). Where can I get the actual fixtures?Home Depot? Once I get the fixtures, what kind of lights should I use for the flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
Ya Home Depot should have everything you need on the flourecents. I have heard some people mention that they found 300watt hps at Lowes so maybe Home Depot would have them. Also most people recommend 400or1000 watt Metal Halide (MH) for Veg and 1000wHPS for flowering.


Active Member
use regular shoplights pull the ballast out and add wire so your balasst is remote Concern might be any moistier on the bulb will run to socket possiblie croadding fixture and shock hazzard