Flower Back To Veg?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I have a situation that requires I take a couple of my smaller plants in in flower back to veg. I am ten days into flowering and need to know the affect on my strains if I do so. Will it affect sex for example or is it a problem to go back to 18/6 or straight 24.


Active Member
I have a situation that requires I take a couple of my smaller plants in in flower back to veg. I am ten days into flowering and need to know the affect on my strains if I do so. Will it affect sex for example or is it a problem to go back to 18/6 or straight 24.
That will definatley cause some stress and possibly cause a hermie but you never know til you try.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
What would be the affect if I took clones this late. I assume it would stress and take longer to root. What about the sex?