flower day 47. regenerated bagseed.


Active Member
what do you think...about 2 weeks? just checked the trics and about 60-40 milky to translucent...looking for like 20% amber.


Active Member
Three weeks..no wait...6 more days...no wait...2 more hours.Get a microscope and judge for youself.


Well-Known Member
Sup Bloodworm

Did you say this plant was re-vegged? How long did you re-vegg for? I've done this several times in the past and had decent results. Your re-vegged plant looks like it will yield nicely.


Active Member
its actually quite the story. i cut it (early, weed was fantastic for early harvest) because i ran out of room in the grow space. i keep most of my watering bottles under my bathroom sink and that is where i threw the plant after i cut it (main stem, right above 2nd node). about a month later i was looking for pots for tomatoes and remembered that i put the chopped plant under there. come to realize it grew sprouts off the main stem, almost like the roots had nowhere to go but was getting minimal light and water somehow (probably due the humidity from the water bottles/running sink). i threw it back in the tent and vegged it again for about a month and, voila. pretty remarkable story. i took 2 clones off of it and hope to breed it at some point.

read the comment right before yours and ive checked the trics everyday starting the 5th week. sometimes other people have smart, intelligent criticism/help that we may not see because they arent busy being ignorant assholes like yourself who think they know everything about growing "killer buds man."

on another note. day 50 still looking good. will post some more pics soon.


Active Member
day 54 flower pics.
adding weight. cloudy tricomes with hints of amber.
started flushing today.
im thinking of chopping next fri. making it exactly 60 days.
any opinions welcome.