Flower duration problem


New Member
I have two strains on the go shishkaberry and peyote cookies, they are due to finish 26th January and I’ve been called away from work til 2nd February, a friend is looking after them til I get back but they will have gone a week longer in flower before I take them down, what effects will this have?

Thanks in advance
You can't set a date to harvest on the calendar based on stated flowering times. They will most likely need more time. If you harvest based off of stated flowering times more often than not you'll be harvesting too early.
Yeh I’m going off stated times I read on wikibuds and other forums for my strain, I’ve got a loupe so I’ll use that when I get back and see if they’re ready
Thanks everyone for your responses
Yeh I’m going off stated times I read on wikibuds and other forums for my strain, I’ve got a loupe so I’ll use that when I get back and see if they’re ready
Thanks everyone for your responses

You should be close when you get home! Run longer then people say.... Learning what is really done.....Takes learning time...

Add weeks to any "planed" run time.