flowered too early??


Active Member
ok, so first of all this is my FIRST TIME. For the first 9 weeks they were in little plastic cups ( like beer pong cups), i just today put them in much bigger pots that are about 12" tall. them seem to be flowering already and none of the plants are over a ft. tall.

What should i do? not do? do differently?


-no artificial lights(not an option for me), been growing in window

-no nutrients, just ozarka spring water

-only water when top inch is crusty dry

these pics were taken this morning before i put them into pots

plant one:

plant 2:

also, can anyone identify what strain these are? and why i already have brown-ish red hairs?



Well-Known Member
because of your cups the roots are not able to go nowhere. once you put them into bigger pots you should seealot of growing and your buds will followmove them out doors if you can


Active Member
Well they are in pots now, so hopefully in the next week I'll see improvement

Other than the that, is there any useful info I can use?

( money is an issue so the best cheap advice is most


Well-Known Member
Congrats man, they're lookin like theyre all females! Yes they are flowering, but it's not a bad thing at all. The plants ur growing in ur window are simply sensing the days getting shorter and fulfilling their life process. Since u transplanted, they should take off now that the roots have some room. A flowering plant will also double or triple in size by the time it's finished. I think u'll be amazed in a couple weeks how much it's growing. Looks good though for no nutes, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
u didnt flower it to early u never flower to early u just didnt have it in a big enough pot...it looks like ur yield is ganna b pretty low..like 4grams maybe 7grams


Active Member
u didnt flower it to early u never flower to early u just didnt have it in a big enough pot...it looks like ur yield is ganna b pretty low..like 4grams maybe 7grams
i moved them into bigger pots yesterday. they also have miracle grow soil opposed to crap dirt lol


Well-Known Member
coo thats big they need room for root growth cuz root growth=plant growth thats y u never over water..ur roots wont work for the food

Brick Top

New Member
Don’t start your plants out in tiny containers and then replant to small pots and then repot to larger pots.

Each time your plants roots begin to circle the container they are in they will be under some level of stress and the worse the stress is the more problems it will cause.

If at all possible pick the largest pot size that you can use and be able to fit all the plants you will have under adequate lighting and start your germed beans or rooted clones in the largest pot size possible and if they, the pots, are large enough for your plants to grow to full size in then use that size or slightly larger and never repot your plants.

If you have to start out in smaller pots because you have so many plants to fit under your lights and will them weeds out males and have a smaller number that you can then repot into larger pots use something like a 4-gallon pot so they will have enough room to survive until sexing.

Normally I never grow in anything smaller than 7-gallon pots and I start my germed beans out in them and they remain in those pots, or in larger sized pots if I use them instead, until harvest.

Only if you are growing dwarf strains or growing SOG can you get away with small pots and even then many still use to small of a pot size to get the most out of their plants and to reduce problems.


Active Member
thanks for all the advice and input

but, they started out in cups and stayed in those for about 9 weeks, i just replanted into 1 gallon pots which are like 10 times bigger than the little pots

but the plants are only about a foot tall and are in the 2nd week of flowering

whats the best thing i can do for them?


Well-Known Member
The best thing you could do for them is get them some more light, and some nutrients. Basic stuff, there's no magic involved in growing


Well-Known Member
Don’t start your plants out in tiny containers and then replant to small pots and then repot to larger pots.

Each time your plants roots begin to circle the container they are in they will be under some level of stress and the worse the stress is the more problems it will cause.

If at all possible pick the largest pot size that you can use and be able to fit all the plants you will have under adequate lighting and start your germed beans or rooted clones in the largest pot size possible and if they, the pots, are large enough for your plants to grow to full size in then use that size or slightly larger and never repot your plants.

If you have to start out in smaller pots because you have so many plants to fit under your lights and will them weeds out males and have a smaller number that you can then repot into larger pots use something like a 4-gallon pot so they will have enough room to survive until sexing.

Normally I never grow in anything smaller than 7-gallon pots and I start my germed beans out in them and they remain in those pots, or in larger sized pots if I use them instead, until harvest.

Only if you are growing dwarf strains or growing SOG can you get away with small pots and even then many still use to small of a pot size to get the most out of their plants and to reduce problems.
I agree BrickTop with what your saying and I only transplant once usually. My current grow has been in a 50L pot from her second week and she's proof of your theory, (see journal). She has grown unrestricted and it shows.
My only fear for a newbie attempting this is 'over watering'. When I started my girl out in the 50L, I only watered her every 10 - 14 days for her first month of life and it's quite easy to moisture stress small plants that don't have the root structure to soak up the amount of water that a large pot can hold. They can easily get over watered by the inexperienced. Can you maybe suggest some tips on how to avoid this over watering from occurring when putting baby plants in huge pots?


Active Member
I agree BrickTop with what your saying and I only transplant once usually. My current grow has been in a 50L pot from her second week and she's proof of your theory, (see journal). She has grown unrestricted and it shows.
My only fear for a newbie attempting this is 'over watering'. When I started my girl out in the 50L, I only watered her every 10 - 14 days for her first month of life and it's quite easy to moisture stress small plants that don't have the root structure to soak up the amount of water that a large pot can hold. They can easily get over watered by the inexperienced. Can you maybe suggest some tips on how to avoid this over watering from occurring when putting baby plants in huge pots?
yeah, that would help alot lol


Well-Known Member
I put new baby sprouts in their new home asap myself. What I do so not to over water the little gals is simple- I water them once they're potted, but just a little bit roughly 10oz.( Amounts will vary depending on pot size.) For the first week i mist the top of the soil so it doesnt dry out. As the plant becomes bigger along with the roots, so does the doseage of water (at which time misting the soil is no longer needed) until the plants can sustain a 'full' watering(til there's drainage).


Active Member
I put new baby sprouts in their new home asap myself. What I do so not to over water the little gals is simple- I water them once they're potted, but just a little bit roughly 10oz.( Amounts will vary depending on pot size.) For the first week i mist the top of the soil so it doesnt dry out. As the plant becomes bigger along with the roots, so does the doseage of water (at which time misting the soil is no longer needed) until the plants can sustain a 'full' watering(til there's drainage).
thanks RJ, youv been quite helpful. and i am using you guys advice

the more the betterbongsmilie