flowering - 2 plants - please i need advice


Hi. Can you guys help me out a little? First time flowering plants and all I need is advice. Here is my story..

Veg 35 days
12/12 started approx 42 days ago but didn't show pistils until day 17
14-10-27 NPK Phostrogen all purpose nutrients started approx day 20 and watering each plant with 600mls every 2/3 days with the nutes mixed in

60/40 soil/perlite standard garden centre stuff
80w/5000 lumens of CFL mostly top half of plants (keeping 1 to 2 inches away from plants) because they stretched.. but i am turning the plants every 2nd day.
fan going during photoperiod and definitely no light leaks.

these are photos I took today. first 2 are DP the ultimate and last 2 are amnesia haze. ultimate smells fruity and the haze smells potent haha..
the ultimate is 125cm and the haze is 100cm roughly speaking.. :p


please don't tell me I need more light. I might make it 100w but that is it as much as I wish to use. This is only for personal smoke and i definitely don't wish to sell it. it is my first grow so I'm just going easy on it first time around and trying not to make it complicated you get me?

both are said to take 11 to 12 weeks until harvest so that would put me pretty much halfway through (?) and I would appreciate it if you guys could lend any advice for the rest of the grow?

maybe an idea of yield to look forward to, light schedule towards the end i.e. should I give them more darkness maybe to mimic seasonal changes? any different nutrient i can use that would boost swelling over next few weeks i.e. what is good for this far into flowering, what ratio do i need.

ANY advice at all. whatever you guys think I should know for the rest of the flowering process.