Flowering advice


Active Member
Hi I am currently on the flowering stage and going by seed banks information my plants are due to finish in 1 week. I have been reading up on flowering stage and an a bit confused tbh. My plants are still growing buds and bottom branches seem to be still growing up towards the light. I'm growing big bud x northern lights. The seed bank say 55 to 65 days flowering. It is now 56 days since I switched to 12/12. But my buds haven't matured at all and leaves are still green. None of the leafs are turning yellow. The plants are still growing white hairs all over the place and if I go by what I have read online they need 2 weeks to mature after bud growth. But if they are still growing bud and it still looks immature does this mean they have at least 2 weeks left? Any info on this strain would be great. Here is a couple of pics and maybe you could tell me how long is left in your opinion thanks


Active Member
Breeder times are an estimate, u switched to 12/12 56 days ago. Assuming u started from seed etc and not a clone take off 10-14 days for Preflower. Puts you around 42-46 days in. Add 2-3 weeks to normal breeder times, so they say day 65 more like 75-80 days, no ones set up is exactly the same as the breeders let along same part of the world.Wait for hairs and calyx to start swelling take a loupe and check trichromes to see if close to done. Breeder times are estimates and they usually run longer than what they say.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply and I was stuck between flowering time starting from 12/12 or pre flowers. If I search online I get different people saying different and it got confusing. So I have a couple of weeks left then from what u said. Thanks and yes they are from seed under 600w hps and in soil.


Active Member
Yea I don't count flowering until I start to see bud form usually a week or so after flip then I start my count and start checking 8 weeks in from there on out till its ready. I have one plant in now that's gonna hit 10 weeks in a few days seen some go 14 weeks etc, some go shorter like C'99. By your photo you got some time go to


Active Member
That's what I thought but I didn't want to make the mistake of going over the harvest time. I have these girls in a big box of soil growing and have topped them early to create a bush type appearance. I have grown these same strain 2 times before and the first time I got them around harvest time and the last time I had to chop them early because of moving house. I just want to try get this batch right and as I have done them all from the same large pot they had a lot more root space to fill up and I noticed they stretched for longer this time at the start of 12/12. This wasn't caused by light being to far or by being to hot as I have that all under control. I am very happy with the way tis grow went and it all just seemed like it was to good to be true so I don't want to mess up at the last vase.


Well-Known Member
I think the breeders dont count from the time of flip. They count from when the particular strain first shows their flowers. So....my white russians showed flowers about 18 days after flip...then they needed the breeder quoted 65ish days. So total from flip was 85 days or so before they finished.

My norther lights #5 showed flowers 12 days after flip then needed 55 as the strain is know for... 67 total from flip...

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Yes I second that - you've got 3-5 weeks left at least. Here's what I do & I still often need to wait an extra week or 2 for them to finish-btw this works only for Indica or Indica dominant hybrids....pure Sativas typically will need a longer photoperiod:

Write it in a calendar the day you flipped...then wait until you see those white pistils emerge & mark that day with a star. This is the transition period.
If you count out 9 weeks from the star day- that's 63 days exactly- that is usually a good estimate when your plant will either be ready to pull or at least getting close. I check trichs with a scope to verify but this 63 day estimate is usually quite accurate for indica doms.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies and good advice. It's all cleared up for me now thanks very much. It was the only part I confused about because the Internet says different things and I didn't know who to believe. I knew I had a good few weeks left by the looks of things. thank you all


Well-Known Member
Eh that's always an unanswerable question.
But it doesn't look like any things to be concerned with.

Just don't go and nuke her with fertilizer to her "fatten up".

Let her go send pics in 3 weeks you'll know more then