Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well.

This is my first grow, it's outside in pots.
I'm in Australia, it's the middle of summer and really hot.
They're doing really well.
I've attached some photos below, the last image is just showing my plants :)

I have 2 questions.

Question 01
One of my plants which is the 1st image below seems to have begun flowering if I'm correct,
it seemed a little early to me as we're in the middle of summer..
Would this be a good time to start changing my feed to say Canna Terra Flora ?
(or any other flowering feed someone would suggest)
Or wait a little a longer before swapping my nutrients ?

Question 02
I have had 1 male plant so far, which I got rid of.
In the 2nd and 3rd image below of the same plant.
It does look like a male, I just wanted to see if anyone thinks different ?
before I discard of the plant :(

Any help would be more then appreciated.

Thank you so much.flower.JPGsex_01.JPGsex_02.JPGall_plants.JPG
Thank you so much for your help Lime, much appreciated.
It's pretty obvious it's a male looking at my photos again haha,
Doesn't hurt to ask.

They're getting there feed today once it cools down,
I'll have to get the flowering nutrients,

thank you again kind Sir.
Growing in blindingly bright sunshine is the best!... as long as they stay moist. You're well into flower and many advise to not transplant at that stage. Larger pots are more forgiving in hot weather, and a silicon supplement like protekt helps them get through dry spells. Consider for next time. Overall they look good. Good luck, mate!