flowering at 16/8 light regime?pics inside


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I've a few questions.

I'm growing northern lights , seed is popped out of a bud of my last harvest, from auto fem northen lights, i assumed it's not going to be an auto plant but i'm wrong as i see.

Week 5 of vegging under 5*80 watts cfls, and pistils appear 2 days ago. Ligth regime is 16/8 from beginning . So is this plant auto ? Is ıt possible to flower without changing light regime in regular seeds?

Other subject is plant is in 4Lt pot , i'm planning to transplant it in a week, will transplanting hurt the plant in flowering?

Lastly, bottom side of plant is very bushy , i believe that they will consume much energy further , should i pull some of leaves or very small branches?

Here are the pics,


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
"should i pull some of leaves or very small branches?" She looks great as she is. 16/8 will show hair on wild cannabis. If she wasn't an auto I'd suggest taking a snip for a clone but there isn't any point in cloning an auto.
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Could be an auto, depends a lot of where the pollen came from.
I wouldnt worry too much, keep her well bright close to the lights and put a fan on her. Dont worry about the leaves, when the plant doesnt need them she'll drop them or tug them off when turned yellow.
It costs energy to recover from unnecessary ripping and if you must then 4 weeks into flowering only the old fan leaves low and close to the stem.
Repotting to a bigger pot goes always every 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies,

I still am feeding grow nutrients, i'll transplant into a bigger pot tonight, and switch to flowering nutrients.

Bio bizz , bio bloom , and algamic i'm feeding , do you recommend to give less amounts of grow nutrient while all flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
You should have a chat with the dealer of these product and after his recommandation start with half the amount before switching to max. When you do max always follow next watering with plain water nutes accumulate. You are repotting, the fresh soil is full of nutrients. Administrating too much is waaaaaaay worse than little.
You very most likely posses an auto flowering as long as you havent been fooling around with light hours and/or strength, Meaning switching off lamps to safe electricity or changing distance of the lights. I dont know if any of your cfl's are 27 k red spectrum but it is beneficial.
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Well-Known Member
Lights are mixed , 6500k ad 2700k ,

I've a few overfeeding and nutrient burn experiences , so i try to be very very careful for this grow, I give nutrients very less amounts bio grow and algamic 1ml/Litre , and do not give every watering , at most once a week feeding .Autos are really very sensitive to nutes.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, yeah all auto flowers are anyways, are super fast flowering plants. They'll grow out like 100 plants, see which ones flower first, take like 20 of the fastest and pollenate them and grow out 100 more, tale the fastest ones etc until they have stable, fast genetics. I'm sure if yours is flowering now it has the auto phenotype at least mostly present.

As far as the transplant goes, I've only transplanted once in flower, and it was a plant that was very restricted for several weeks in the pot it was in. When I transplanted from a 1 gallon to a 3 gallon, it stopped flowering for 2 weeks and shot up another foot and a half--basically it just stretched out, so I try and avoid transplanting too late in flower unless absolutely necessary.

As far as lollipopping-- (clearing out the bottom) I'm a firm believer in logical energy distribution amongst the plant, but that baby is fine I don't see any parts having to work too hard to get energy to the bottom. Other than that, looking gold man!
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Well-Known Member
I did transplant yesterday , i put it into 15litre pot and will not transplant into a bigger pot. I've watered one day before transplant but fucked up . top of soil dropped down , roots inside the soil appeared . one of cfl's dropped top of the plant etc. etc. :) anyway , plant seems very good right now , i hope it doesn't stop flowering,

i'm feeding with algamic,bio bloom and bio grow right now . I'll upload photos tonight


Well-Known Member
you need to get a real light bulb. that plant is stretching . searching for light . and if there is hardly any light at all the plant will start to flower even if its 18 or even 24. not plenty of light yes they flower . they color temp wont make it flower if its bright. also do those have bugs ? some thing is discoloring the top leafs


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting super skunk seeds that ordered a few days ago, b/c of electricity prices are very high in my country, i should use cfl's , i will put them under 250w hps when i switch 12/12 .

No ı did not see any bugs, i check it out again


Well-Known Member
Can an auto be so tall ?

When it started to flower at day 30 from seedling, it was 29-30 cm tall, about a week or 10 days,

Now it's 42 cm tall , are these data enough to verify it's an auto , without changing 16/8 light cycle.?