Flowering back to veg


How bad is it if you switch the cycle back to 18/6 from 12/12??? i would say i think i changed the cycle to early but i know people do 12/12 from seed so not worried about that but i wanted to yield a bit more and flower and harvest all my plants at the same time. So anybody ever did this? Go from 18/6 to 12/12 back to 18/6?? i know im gonna hear some smart remarks :finger: but thanks to all the serious ones haha :lol:


Well-Known Member
That's the light schedule used in creating a mother plant (from start to harvest, etc); yea bro, everybody does it. You'll be fine. Adjust your lights and feeding schedules accordingly! GL


Well-Known Member
How bad is it if you switch the cycle back to 18/6 from 12/12??? i would say i think i changed the cycle to early but i know people do 12/12 from seed so not worried about that but i wanted to yield a bit more and flower and harvest all my plants at the same time. So anybody ever did this? Go from 18/6 to 12/12 back to 18/6?? i know im gonna hear some smart remarks :finger: but thanks to all the serious ones haha :lol:
Hey whats going on

What your talking about is revegging. Depending how long it's been in flower will determine how long it takes to reveg, but overall it shouldn't take more then a month, maybe a month nd a week. I would recommend 24/0 though, cannabis plant's don't need sleep, would probably cut the reveg time down a tad but thats just my opinion. As far as nutrients give it veg nutrients. Goodluck on the reveg.