Flowering despite 18/6


Active Member
Ok, so i've got these 3 babies that have recently been transplanted from soil to hydro.. they've had a rough life so far with a period of nutrient lockout due to overheating. they've pretty much recovered, but there is some curling and some of the new growth at the tops appears deformed. they are around 5 weeks old and about a foot tall each.

I have them under 18/6 metal halide lighting. Granted there was some inconsistent timing with the lights early on (started with 24/0, then got a bit random for about a week after the overheat, last 2-3 weeks on 18/6) but i bought my timers and they've been under this lighting for weeks.

Here's the thing...

On all three of these babies I just today noticed two sets of white hairs jutting from the node of the tops of each plant.

Hey, i'm not complaining.

But i thought this wasn't supposed to happen under 18/6?


Active Member
In that case what do I do with them... I want to keep them in veg so I can put 4 new seedlings in my system ( i have limited space ). Now they have begun to flower. Will they flower poorly if I don't switch over the nutes/light at this point? Or will the flowering just be slower and more prolonged until my other plants have caught up?


Well-Known Member
I found this information on auto-flowering plants. I think you should give your plants some full spectrum lighting, so that they each can have the spectrum that they like. Other than that it looks like you can use 18/6 lighting.

What is AutoFlowering?

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Plants need a period of rest to reduce shock and allow better root growth. I did 24/0 with my plants, and I wish I had just left them on 18/6. They probably would have been alot healthier. Besides, if the plant is auto-flowering then it can't be vegged again. If he did put the lights on 24/0 it would decrease bud production a little too. The website says that lighting in 18/6 produces a similar yield for auto-flowering plants as it does with 12/12.


Well-Known Member
guys and girls, these are called preflowers. a plant will show sex in veg when it has reached maturity...(4-5 weeks) this is a good thing now you know you have a girl and can start cloning.

good luck !!


Active Member
I stand corrected as I just reread the post ..... I don't think the plants are auto flowering I think they are flowering because they are 5 weeks old (long time to veg) and 12" tall and with 6 hours of darkness they are just naturally flowering and should be switched to 12/12


Well-Known Member
guys and girls, these are called preflowers. a plant will show sex in veg when it has reached maturity...(4-5 weeks) this is a good thing now you know you have a girl and can start cloning.

good luck !!
I had 3 plants preflowering while another 3 were 2 weeks behind..i just left them 18-6 till the tounger ones cought up then started 12-12...older ones def.have bigger and more budsites!..just keep the 18-6 till ur babys catch up..its not a big deal!


Active Member
I found/think if I feed G.H. nutes label strenth for first 2 months , then introduce some stronger light (from flouresent 24/7 to hps) ,this is a way to see their sex very easy and fast .Couple of days. And the plants grow very well and up.But I now know after that 2 months I have to change to lucas formula.


Active Member
From what i've now read, I agree and believe that they are preflowers. Sorry guys I don't have a camera. Of the three plants, two have two pairs of white hairs at the top internode, one has two pairs of hairs at the top node and also the next node down.
