flowering help


this is my first grow and i am trying to figure out when to start the flowering 12/12 thay are ww 5 to 6 weeks old and 11" tall any help would be great. thanks..



Well-Known Member
You can start flowering as soon as they're rooted well. A lot of people on here do that, but I wouldn't. In my opinion that over ripens the Tricombes and changes the medicine's effects.

You're plants will double to triple in size when you flower, so it depends mostly on how much ceiling space you have and how much yeild you want.

I'm doing a 2 month veg because I'm setting up a rotating crop. See all my strains flower in 2 months, so as long as I keep the veg to 2 months, then I can have 8 plants vegging while 8 plants flower. Then when I harvest I have 8 more ready to flower, this way I have another harvest every 2 months.

So there are a lot of factors that determine when you're going to flower, so no one else can figure it out for you.


Well-Known Member
start now and you will harvest faster..wait and u will harvest more its really up to u..what do u want lots of bud or a good amount more often? if i didnt have space issues id let my girls get 2-3ft before i started flowering


Well-Known Member
just so u know if u wait to flower a white widow till it gets two feet tall then its ganna be like 4-5 feet tall i bet..they can get pretty tall from what i've seen but i've never grown it myself..just letting u know just incase u dont have enough room..looking really nice so far tho id like to have one of those babies in my grow room right now