Flowering length?, new developments


hello all, beem a bit since i needed to post on here.

so im rocking a strain of Alaskan Ice, clones, in my stealth closet grow. im using a self made florescent tube bank for light. i use training to keep my plants as low as possible to keep light saturation high as florescent doesnt travel distance well, and can be kept an inch from the plant at all times. there is 2 tubes per side as well for undergrowth development. 5600k for veg and 3000k tubes for bloom. im using a mix of mostly advanced nutrients chemicals.

question is: my friend who has been growing longer than me gave me these already vegged clones. the flower period is 9 weeks. i talked to him about mine only a few days ago, as his was hanging already, he predicted it would come out early. almost a week early he figured. he then said that on my main stock il see a nanner or two form, and that was it he said.. its going to happen.. cut it then. well low and behold i have them right now on one plant for sure, only on one stock, my main.

its only at 7.5 full flower weeks right now.... is this it.. should i cut it.. i only started flushing 3 or 4 days ago



it feels early. im still getting very high new bud growth, there very young naners but there starting like he said. better to finish a week of flush or cut em now?.. not worried about pollinating at this point really


Experiment and harvest slowly. Cut, hang and dry a couple bud sites today and leave the rest to grow another week, repeat the process until finished. This way you can get an ideal of the strain development directly, some really do put on a lot of weight in the last two weeks.

After doing some research on this strain the flower time looks to be between between 63 and 70 days - if you are at 7.5 weeks that is 53 days, so looks like maybe another 10 days at least to get a fully developed fruit.


Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I consider 9 weeks a minimum. It's much better to harvest a little late than early. At the start of the 9th week I do a check of trichomes to decide if the 9th week will be the flush week or if I will run nutes another week first.


both good answers. assuming im going to not snip off any bud sites, what do i do with the nanners for the last week or 2 here. snip em and keep an eye on it? i havent scoped, but i done believe i see any ambering in the trichs yet

oh and i like riu's idea of snipping and discovering the strains development but since im moving onto blue rhino as soon as these are out im not going to have another crack at this one for a while anyways, max production! :P , after this i got blue rhino clones coming.. then were looking at a power kush, i have some candi kush or some demo seed were going to clone, same for pineapple express, then i have snow white ... its going to be a good year :)